The Tale of a Jack Russel Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier must surely be one of the most popular dogs of all time. These little tykes are intelligent, active and they...
Rat Caught in Snare

Rat Snaring

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The Revolution of Fox Shooting with Thermal Imaging

Fox control has long been an essential practice for land managers, farmers, and conservationists alike. Foxes, while majestic and intelligent creatures, can pose significant...


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Old school dog training told us that we should never play tug of war with our dogs, and if we did enter into such...


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Introduction The Pulsar Telos XL50 LRF Thermal Scope represents a significant advancement in thermal imaging technology, combining robust features with state-of-the-art design. This review will...

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Review of the Pulsar Telos XL50 LRF Thermal Scope

Introduction The Pulsar Telos XL50 LRF Thermal Scope represents a significant advancement in thermal imaging technology, combining robust features with state-of-the-art design. This review will...

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The world of digital night vision has taken off in recent years, with new products being revealed from various manufacturers on an almost monthly...
Night Vision Vehicle Spotter

Night Vision Truck Cam Spotter

With the ever growing hoard of people making there own home build night vision, its nice to see different format's of spotters, add on's...
Muntjac Deer Management

Reasons For Actively Managing Muntjac Deer

Chinese Muntjac Deer (Muntiacus reevesi) are a non native species that through no fault of their own has become naturalised in the British Isles.
Fox Shooting - Large Dog Fox

Fox Shooting Tales

It was the front end of December, and we'd had one of the worst starts to winter for decades, the temperature had plummeted across...

Working Terriers

Trying To Breed A Digging Dog

These are black digging dogs that I dig to. I don’t want a strain or a big name. This is just my way of...
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Forced Retirement

Dealings With The Enemy

Squirrel Snaring

Quick Sloe Gin

Snaring and Trapping


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