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About Saho-man

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    Mega Hunter

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  1. They must have walked miles then cause theres f**k all there............ f**k knows what happened then.... I'm surprised you've not featured on "Like to punch thread".....................thought Mo would have had you up there........... did look for my name
  2. They must have walked miles then cause theres f**k all there............ f**k knows what happened then....
  3. country girl that listens to lil wayne You better f**k off pretty soon - you really are pissing me off you f*****g freak! So what your saying is people who lives in the country CANT listen to any other music than f*****g honky tonk or what????!!! Now go swallow your fist and f**k off! Mo THL gold award for a quality reply should be award to you ATB Cookie LOL, well thank you Mr. Cookie yup u r a good apprentice.. i am proud of u
  4. country girl that listens to lil wayne You better f**k off pretty soon - you really are pissing me off you f*****g freak! So what your saying is people who lives in the country CANT listen to any other music than f*****g honky tonk or what????!!! Now go swallow your fist and f**k off! i love it when your angry mo i think she learned it from me lol
  5. country girl that listens to lil wayne You better f**k off pretty soon - you really are pissing me off you f*****g freak! So what your saying is people who lives in the country CANT listen to any other music than f*****g honky tonk or what????!!! Now go swallow your fist and f**k off! :clapper:
  6. country girl that listens to lil wayne
  7. Allahu akbar Allahu akbar he runs , like a clown..and jumps and grabs the lady..who fcking does that ?! fake.. i actually laughed. looks like some comedy video. 100 percent fake. what does he achieve out of it... since when islam was against sport...hell saudi arabia is in the olympics. ! u guys are stupid. really feel sorry for u guys, believe anything
  8. fake as hell.. bet hes a jew or christian arab
  10. drive has level gameness has levels... by lack i meant the standard i want it to be.... u could set your standard so high that not may dogs can make it right.. than they would lack what you looking for.. but for someone else as long as they hunting every week then they dont lack drive.. true but not my point heres an example " now did his previous dogs 40 years back lack anything.. compared to his recent litter. no but this one is higher in standard. so now this one is his new standard anything under that is lacking.. is going back..
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