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D Lloyd

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D Lloyd last won the day on February 29 2016

D Lloyd had the most liked content!

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2,790 Excellent


About D Lloyd

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  1. They not fast enough to catch them dogs off yours
  2. Would think they be hard to find a lad in Wales had a few and bred some handy well put together things but IV lost contact with him he might still breed them .
  3. They are well trained they will swim down to him
  4. Flacko get them to me and I'll send you a ton of salmon back lol
  5. Would love them for my boy but to far for me to drive theses days
  6. You be put cucumber on his eyes next lol
  7. Fuking pain that type of dog and owner
  8. He had to his foot was bad lol
  9. Good stuff mate glad she's going so well for you she looks great ?
  10. Yes no doubt they will be making the most of it
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