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events co-ordinator

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About events co-ordinator

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 03/09/1988

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  • Interests
    Terrier Work
    Running Shows
    Breeding (when needed)

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  1. This year you won't be able to get the car right to the ring the show committee wont allow it.
  2. Thanks guys :-) ye hopefully will be a nice day and a good turn out, we are having a memorial class as well and its a working terrier class for any variety of terrier :-)
  3. Hi Guy's we are having a Memorial show for my dad next Sat it would be great to see some familiar faces It is at the Neilston Cattle show so it is a good family day as well. Any questions just ask hope to see you there. Tam Parker Memorial Show Scottish Working Terrier Club Neilston Agricultural Show At Neilston Show Ground Saturday the 3rd May 2014 @ 1pm Qualifier For:- National Working Terrier Federation Countryman's Weekly Cock of the North Welsh Valley's Best in West For Any Information Contact Joanna Parker 01415838430 07902008016
  4. Hi Everyone This is Joanna Tam's Daughter I would just like to say thank you so very very much for all your kind words, im sure that I will know of every single one of you but obviously without my dad here to translate your user names for me im lost lol I find this sight harder to view than my Facebook as it where he spent all this time recently with you all trying to sort out as many problems for you as he could and for every single one of you who contacted him I was told of the situations you where in and he usually ran his ideas over me before giving advise back, he lived for this in th
  5. Remember the Only people allowed to set or check the snares must have a licence ( in Scotland) pm me if you need anymore info.
  6. No YOU can't as the conditions of the general licence require you to read and understand it otherwise you can't shoot any bird. Download the licence and read it all will be revealed.
  7. My old man has recently got an electric scooter s he's not mobile at the moment and he's having bother with insurance if he gets it sorted I'll post on here.
  8. The hunting act 2004 doesnt apply in Scotland its the protection of wild mammals act Scotland 2002.
  9. We listened to all the profits of doom during the Watson debate in Scotland then got our heads down and planned a strategy that worked thats why we got a better deal than England and we still use full packs of hounds. OR we can just say aw thats us beat lets go down the pub. I know what one we'll be doing so do'nt keep us a seat.
  10. Mad Dog Macaskill may have started something he does'nt like but as I said we will have think and then let you all know. We have tactics he has'nt dreamed of'.
  11. All is not lost yet we may have a cunning plan my old man is meeting Ian Clark tomorrow to see what may work BUT we have not given up.
  12. That was me in the spotted top with my old man/ Colin Shedden from Basc David Ewing the petitioner and Jamie Stewart from the CA.
  13. I did'nt read it I thought you had applied for a fac shotgun hence the question. Police Scotland are dealing with it now it depends on how easy you are to check on and how long your doctor takes to answer their enquieries.
  14. Police Scotland now what reason did you give for needing a FAC shotgun / cause what you can shoot with it is limited.
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