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About ghillies

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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    shooting<br />fishing<br />dogs<br />horses<br />night vision<br />photography<br />concervation<br />and anything inbetween life and art the universe and everything.. exept poloticks and football..

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  1. really dose depend on the power and pellet...chairgun it..
  2. dohh of coarse it is..missed it completly lol
  3. tisnt mine, i was asked if i could respring it..
  4. i dont wanna see walshies proven arghhhh no mummy no mummy ''And Walshies panties when he admits he's wrong\\ and to the cig cover me in chocolate...ermmm i've stayed on a sanctuary full of lesbiens, trust me dont goooo neeer that chocolate they will indeed eat you alive lmao!
  5. just need to identy mates gun...lol i think its a chinese but dont know out about it.
  6. i think the gravity is a constant, as in doesnt matter what direction it goes, its all about for how long i think.
  7. didnt you know? stickers make it go faster it sort of goes with the super reg that improooooves performance, 20 xtra shots, ermmmm then it gets chrono'd at 9 fp's lol!!
  8. Lots mate. Every man and his shed is a tuner V-Mach TbT Paul Short Nick Gibney Sandwell Ratwork To name a few... They all pretty much consist of the same process. With perhaps small differences that they can say is theres. The most experimental could be Paul with his lathe. hmm cheers for that, used to do all my own a few year back, mostly intrested in the caps and trying a nylon spring guide, a friend put one in his and tbh, hmmm perked me ears up lol
  9. anybody know what this is? looks like a weirach 77...but....
  10. I'm not disputing your maths as I know nothing about it, but if a pellet can barely cover 50/60 yards on a trajectory, I just can't see it would go over twice that distance vertically. seriously?... seriously get chairgun.... (theres no dimentional porthole for the pellets to vanish into lol...its up to hundreds plural of yards at the right angle like...) a link http://www.hawkeoptics.com/chairgun.html persavere a bit with it you'll get it, then check out the ranges, i personaly take rabbits to a 65 max, but the odd one creeps in at the 70 mark where its totaly at its kil
  11. asides from V mach spring, guide, and piston cap, what else is about today?
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