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baldockbanks courser

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baldockbanks courser last won the day on August 15 2021

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598 Excellent

About baldockbanks courser

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 13/11/1981

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  • Location
    The Right
  • Interests
    ameture boxing, mules and native birds, coursing, lamping, ferreting and Elvis presley music.

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  1. It seems a small pocket of dry lunches who because they can't offered things want to run other people down purely because they think a price tag is to dear, but as you say no one has to pay or buy anything. Little bit silly to start calling people pedlars because they ask a bit more than others. One asked me for a straitner in a message then said "you realise it was a joke"... Har har, because you joke about things like that ? more like your arse hole dropped out. Didn't take long to start finding the names behind the anonymous profiles who wouldn't give me the names
  2. Anyway Iv greatly enjoyed my short stay back on the hunting life, I can't imagine why Iv not been on here for so long. If you're genuinely interested in the pups feel free to contact me. Im in Cambridge I'm a real person I don't hide behind profiles and pretend names Iv no need to as I'm genuine man. ATB Bill 07719306404.
  3. You asked me how much they where and I told you the price I wanted for a didn't I. You didn't give me your name or where you are despite me telling you who I am. Your a Messer you had no interest in buying anything, if someone asks me what I'm asking I'll tell them it's pretty straight forward, you can't afford it or don't want to pay it fair enough. Breed your own then you'v no problem or just take a chance buy something cheaper, it's a free country, it's the same old story too many "working" dog people like yourself want everything for nothing, as I said if you don't wa
  4. As you'v asked a couple of times. She's a greyhound, looks just like a greyhound theyv never been breed for looks just speed. Iv used a well breed track dog to put some speed in the cross as anything other than that wouldn't produce enough speed to be useful to a Bedlington IMO.
  5. Wow I thought when I went into Bedlingtons that the breed seems it needs people who are just interested in keeping dogs for work. It turns out the way a lot of you all bitch about each other you'd probably be more suited to mincing about with a poodle on a green carpet. What absolute tarts. Anyway these are dogs that in the right I think should make decent ferret bushing and lamping dogs on what you come across as well as catching the odd hare given the right conditions as well, a nice little all-rounder, if you want to prove your a better man than me that's fantastic I
  6. What's kennel club registered gor to do with anything?? This is just why I don't come on here. if someone wants to genuinely buy a pup I'll show them the breeding Iv the pedigree here, I'll make a working pedigree with the Bedlingtons on one side the greyhounds on the other . I can't imagine the racing greyhound is registered with the kennel club don't mean it can't run round a track ( I'm guessing as you just look a greyhound up for it's breeding ) and isn't a greyhound, so you need a set of kennel club papers for a dog to have fire in its belly ? Iv had plenty of lads wh
  7. I spent many a happy winters afternoon after work spot coursing hares on them banks with my old coursing Lurchers, a bit warm round there to be taking a leisurely stroll bar a few big open bits out of the eye shot ?. Im a jack of all trades myself now dog wise I breed them to do everything, too much money and drama in the matching game for me now, such a shame, to watch a fit hare and a decent lurcher on a cold sunny winters morning really takes some beating on land like them banks.
  8. All from down your kneck of the woods Coco, my friend Alun Taylor from Rhonda valley breed the dog and got me the bitch and a bitch I had before that ( almost a decade ago, she got killed in kennel fight ) all from your way, I'll send you the working pedigree if you're interested, they get plenty of work through the season with us.
  9. 9 1 born dead 1 tiny runt that died at a couple of days . Left with 5 dogs 2 bitchs. My take on the cross is yes they a jack of all trades but going on experience around my area it the last 15 years you can't justify owning a dog purely for rabbits, this is a handy size cross that you will be able to take out and do a bit of everything and for someone who is limited to or doesn't want to own a load of dogs to have 1 dog that you can enjoy and find plenty of work for that's got to be a good thing for both owner and hound, I think you'll struggle to find a better 1st cross for t
  10. I don't post on here or come on here now I can do with out the aggro and argument just I googled Bedlington greyhounds to look something up but if you had no luck finding an F1 cross I have breed these. Track bitch that had her last race February cross my working Bedlington dog. I'll not be going through what my dogs are or aren't on here but theres some here if you have been struggling to find the cross.
  11. What's niave? The kepper shot 160 with a shotgun not me the keeper. Surely your not so niave to think the rabbits sitting in the corn are the only rabbits!? That was what got me the permission and that season I had good bags but at the end of the season there was still large numbers of rabbits at which point I stopped at seeing the first young rabbits in the doe rabbits for the breeding season. Next season they were almost gone the holes were almost empty were before they were very active. Makes me laugh that someone who has never been on that land doesn't know how many acres th
  12. But what I'm getting at obviously is as a rule people aren't nocturnal, If youv hunted muntjac you will know they are easier to take during the day as they rarely venture that far into open country at night so if you want to work a bushing terrier and lurcher in the absence of rabbits around me you'd have to work muntjac instead ( in the day ) if anyone is in ear shot in this busy country we live they draw a lot of attention and a lot of people would find that off putting to say the least so would be reluctant to change from hunting the rabbit. I find it very unnecessary people try
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