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dai dogs

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About dai dogs

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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    planet earth

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  1. A farmer told me that a sheep had fallen through a rusty lid on his septic tank the sheep was still alive but the farmer said f**k it I’m not going in there to get that out so he left the poor f****r there to die
  2. Traveled up there one year it was called off due to snow
  3. Wasn’t there a driven up shoot the day after the ban just to prove a point ? I can remember reading somewhere and seeing photos of piles of dead hares
  4. She’s been a good friend for 30 years or more she has many collies but the dog in question is something special 8 year old she’s highly respected in the Border Collie world I will do what she’s asked
  5. Talking to a old farmer friend recently she’s not been very well she doesn’t like doctors hospitals she won’t take any medications she’s old school hard has nails still working the farm at 78 years young she’s afraid to go to the doctors in case she gets the bad news iv tried to persuade her but its a no She’s told me that she wants to be cremated and I’m not to do anything with her ashes until her Border Collie dies then they go in the earth together Driving home I was in tears .
  6. Similar happened on this estate
  7. This is the last one WARNING THIS ONE IS GRAPHIC a new couple moved into new house at the bottom of my old street with newborn baby the guy was a no good junky c**t he came home f****d up one night started screaming at his girl to keep the baby quiet out of his nut he picked the newborn up by the legs and hit it against the radiator killing the baby instantly
  8. I’m a straight talking sort of guy iv been through this sort of thing myself and it never goes away it will always be in your head it will always bring tears it will always hurt it will live with you for the rest of your life
  9. Been there many times iv jacked so many jobs because of bellend black hats on power trips The worst thing that ever happened to construction is the black hats they come out of school do a cscs then a sssts and try and tell guys that’s been doing the job for 40 years what to do f***ing joke isn’t it
  10. There’s a bit of space and a welcome for you in my town mate
  11. I gave her a tenner to go Charity Shopping
  12. The first time I saw this lad on the estate he was about 14 or 15 he was tall for his age 6ft plus he had a Tesco carry bag over his head obviously special in some way well over the years he became well known on the estate one day at home he had an argument and killed his brother with what was described in court as a Rambo knife He got nutted off for life
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