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Guest stantheman

i/v got to terriers at the moment, will get a wippit x [bANNED TEXT] the pup is older (10 months)I put a lot of time into her she does every thing , sit stay retreves works hedge rows comes back on comand. they liv indoors , out all day every day.

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I Have 2 JRTs, a beddy x @ 19.5 inch & a saluki/grey @ 26 and a bit




Forgot to add..........I dont have enough regular hard work for the JRTs, but keep them just for my own pleasure because I like them :) ........they just mooch & bush and generally enjoy themselves.....wouldnt get rid of em for the world :good:

They will kill rodents like demons if required, but dont get worked for this regular............not very REAL DEAL eh! :laugh:

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I've got 6... 2 lurchers and 4 Borders, all bitches.


Lurchers are 6 yrs old and 6 months old.


Borders are 11, 7, 3 and 2.


Mollys totally right about restrictions being in place as to how many you can have. In the deeds for our house (living at hunt kennels now so it doesn't apply at the mo) it says you can have a maximum of 2 domestic pets. When we lived there we had 5 dogs, 4 ferrets, and 5 chickens. As long as no one has grounds to complain it's all right.


We choose to have 6 dogs, and I can't stand people saying we've got too many. As long as they are all looked after well and you've got the time to spend with them, it doesn't matter how many you've got.



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at present I have two lurchers, four terriers and three ferrets and the mrs has a saluki, all the dogs are kenelled outside but all are worked as hard as i can, I set aside what I consider the right amount of time each day to spend with each dog especially the lurchers as I try and keep on top of the obidience factor all year round. When i get home from work I'm generally outside exercising. cleaning etc till dark but its my life and I wouldn't have it any other way, people say I f&@K oubout with my dogs too much but I don't think anyone can!! As long as you have enough time and money to give them an excellent way of life then I don't think there should be any set limits, . JMO. regards all,

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I just have the one dog at present. a collie lurcher that is a pet that i work. I had a terrier but had to be pts last year and i was gutted.


I will get another lurcher when my daughter gets a bit bigger and can appreciate having a puppie. Also, i don't want a puppie making a mess in the house while she is stiil crawling about.


I like the idea of having more dogs but i have other hobbies and don't have time to work dogs all the time. Aslo, you can always take a couple of dogs with you when you go out. There is plenty of the room for two dogs in the car but any more than that and i would struggle. It means you are not as tied to getting home if you are away out for the day if you can take them with you. (weather permiting - i certianly hate to see dogs stuck in cars on really hot days, it's pathetic! and the owners shouldn't be allowed to keep them)

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some excellent replies there folks, much appreciated. All of my 4 dogs are kenneled outside and are out exercising every night [bANNED TEXT] i get home. my labs are worked hard 2 x week during shooting season, and tht doesn't include the fowling tht i do. my lurchers are worked just as hard and also get worked during spring summer on other quarry. so i personally feel that my dogs are incredibly well looked after and cared for. so fuk the fanny that made that arsehole of a comment :11:

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I have an old jrt dog which is used for mainly bushing,rabbiting and the odd rat or two ,also have a young lurcher bitch collie/greyhound x bedlington/whippet stands at just under 26 in @ts which i use with the terrier , 100% reliable with the ferrets (more than i can say with the terrier)and lamping so generally an all round bitch.

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1 lurcher ,3 terriers with hopefully 2 more terriers on the way .Just lost the permission on a chicken farm due to it closing down but as they say -as one door closes another opens -just landed the digging on 2 estates nearby hence the extra terriers ,black of course :thumbs-up:

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3 lurchers (1 is a pup) 2 terriers and 5 beagles (3 are pups) but i could do with another lurcher really :) .

i usually have around 4 lurchers and they all get worked hard, thats probably why i'm down to 2 (working) now :D .

I have four terriers and one lurcher. i keep the terriers for terrier work and the lurcher for lurcher work.

Two of the russels are eleven years old and retired from hard work years ago but they can still gum a rat or two.I have a young russel and a lakey/russel both work reasonably well when given the chance and the lurcher is only 12mths and hopefully will be a reasonable worker.

I have met people that work their dogs and when they get smashed up or become too old they out the dog, not me mine are part of the family and are here for life.

Have as many dogs as you like and treat em well

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the other day there this c**t said to me that i should not be aloud to buy anymore dogs due to me having to many :11: i only got 2 labs an 2 lurchers which are worked to their full potential. i am thinkin of aquiring a terrier in near future for working aswell. hav i got too many dogs?? how many dogs do all o you folks hav and wat types?? cheers folks, :good:

i have six done matter hjow many you have aslong as you have the work for them.

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