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How long would you

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So to sum up then.................we are saying between 1 & 2 yoa, depending on the jugement of the owner.

Of course, all owners will have different experience, so as with all things, the more experienced owners will get it right more than they get it wrong?

Only an idiot dont learn from his mistakes.



Oh yeah, forgot to add, this is a good thread :good:


Something else that occured to me............I know some blokes dont enter there dog to any other quarry except that which they want it for........soooo.......how dose that work when you walk your dog......do you let them run loose or keep em on a lead.........if you were being really strict about it, you wouldnt let em off would you?

As I say just a thought?

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Guest Dillon

I have seen dogs with the mental attitude at 12 months as say a different dog at 2 years, every dog really is different,


Generally if you start too young then the percentages are much higher in the favour of a failure

If you hold back too long you won't or shouldn't have any problems at all.


A friend used to breed red lakies, most wouldn't be interested early on and needed lots of encouragement to start at all,I do remember them being on and off,maybe the breeding just wasn't there, then again nearly any red grizzle type dog would be called a red lakie.


Patts on the other hand especially the REAL ones will want to go as soon as they come out of the nest, so until they are old enough to tell you when they are ready hold them back.

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Interesting about the red dogs there mate....I've only had one and he was a head banger from the word go. I don't know why, but I always had a feeling there was a touch too much show blood in there. Quick to offend but no brains...a fighter rather than a boxer.

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Kane, still waiting for your answer....how can a dog be spoiled by holding back........cheers... :guitar:

You must have some good digging dogs Kane as you constantly tell us how and where we are going wrong. How many do you dig in a season, and how long do your dogs stay below for?. Lets have a few pics of your decent digs mate...., but please, none that have been in the photoshop first :laugh: lolol..... :11: :11: :11: :11: and please no summertime work either, i dont like seeing summer hunting really, like those pics of deer you often put up.... :11:

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  J Darcy said:
Kane, still waiting for your answer....how can a dog be spoiled by holding back........cheers... :guitar:

You must have some good digging dogs Kane as you constantly tell us how and where we are going wrong. How many do you dig in a season, and how long do your dogs stay below for?. Lets have a few pics of your decent digs mate...., but please, none that have been in the photoshop first :laugh: lolol..... :11: :11: :11: :11: and please no summertime work either, i dont like seeing summer hunting really, like those pics of deer you often put up.... :11:


OOOOHHHH...Your such a bitch JD.........I wonder if you will get a rise to that 1........provocative old chap.....very provocative :D:D


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, none that have been in the photoshop first :laugh: lolol..... :11: :11: :11: :11: and please no summertime work either, i dont like seeing summer hunting really, like those pics of deer you often put up.... :11:


Poor ..poor soul so dissapointing when some one doesnt follow blindly waiting and swooning at every word of the great author.......find one picture just one that I have altered with photoshop or what ever and I will never post on this or any other forum...but remember a picture I have altered.

Sorry no summer pics of dogs being dug to my last dig was a few months ago now.....

Well a few pics of deer shame isnt it a bit like claiming a sika stag for a single handed dog when in reality it was more like a .."goal post melee"....not my words but one of the ex desciples.

Anything else????


  Kane said:
  J Darcy said:

Big statement that,without knowing and working every strain type or bloodline, not many would be arrogant enough to make it.JMO




Kane. Tell me how it is possible to spoil a working dog by holding it back. You talk like some kind of legend mate and put down everything what everyone says. Opinions are opinions. Nothing to do with arrogance>....SO, answer the question....Please tell me how it is possible to ruin a pup by holding it back....i await your knowledgeable answer..... :clapper:

:11: :11:

A terriers mental maturity is the key IMHO...


I had a Border terrier bitch I was given her at just over 3 years old she had done or seen nothing,she entered easily and naturaly but she showed no signs of discretion or quarry sense of any time if this bitch had been entered earlier ,I believe she would of learnt a few valuable lessons and had a longer career JMO of course.


  J Darcy said:
No dog, of whatever breed, has ever been spoilt by holding it back....in the grand scale of things, there really is no rush :guitar::good:


In your original post you didnt state pup.



  J Darcy said:
OOppss...forgot to add......And do your dogs work single handed....or have you been known to double up cos they get lonely down their all on their own :11: :11: :11: :11: :11: :11: :11: :11:



There quite happy to work single handed the way they should.




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Yes, PLEASE answer my question......or have you conveniently forgot :clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper: come on Kaney.....answer the question......

R.e the Sika, scoob was the only dog off the lead and, like i wrote, i had to give him a hand as it was a very large critter...... :D:D:D:D:D:D:D No lies from me matey...well only little white ones.... :11: :11:

So come on Kaney, lets have the answer... and while your at it why not answer the other questions old chap.... :11: :guitar::guitar::guitar:

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  J Darcy said:
Yes, PLEASE answer my question......or have you conveniently forgot :clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper: come on Kaney.....answer the question......

R.e the Sika, scoob was the only dog off the lead and, like i wrote, i had to give him a hand as it was a very large critter...... :D:D:D:D:D:D:D No lies from me matey...well only little white ones.... :11: :11:

So come on Kaney, lets have the answer... and while your at it why not answer the other questions old chap.... :11: :guitar::guitar::guitar:



Well I suppose thats what happens when you get info 2nd hand from those that werent there .

Like I said the bitch was held back to long if she had been entered earlier I believe she would of learnt lessons that would of lenghened her career.

Have you found any photoshoped pics yet?

You only have to produce one that I have altered and I will be gone.




As for the deer all old pics from the last season bfore the change in law taken legaly on permission.


As you like them so much heres a few of these thrown in. :guitar::guitar::guitar::guitar::guitar::guitar:

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Perhaps the border wouldnt have made the grade anyway. If she couldnt make it when older then she obviously didnt have the minerals ....or was she too hard? You surely cannot say that the border did not make the grade due to being held back?....... From what little i have seen, if they dont have it in them, they dont have it in them.....there is a much bigger chance of the dog spewing when entered when mentally immature. One good trouncing can ruin the dog for ever. Not all dogs, but some.

Kane, you don't have to argue with everything all the time, i hope that one day, before my time is out and I'm being carted off to my last resting place to see a post from Kane that reads

"I agree totally"

lol.... :11: :11: :11: :11: good hunting......

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kane ......i remember someone else who did what you do .....

argued with every post

instructed people on where they are going wrong

had a opposing opinion to everyone on everything

your not a postman by any chance are you?

yis fellman

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  nikey said:
Not wishing to cause an argument :realmad: or seem to be taking sides lads but an honest question........... why could a dog not go stale whilst being held back ? or ive heard of a dog's spirit being broken, is this not a possibility if its held back too long ? This isn't aimed at anyone i'm just curious :yes: .

nikey i dont think the lads are saying keep in kenneled till its ready ......

they would still be exercised and their life made intresting ie playing with the other dogs and running about as is a terriers want .........just holding back on the going to earth to find a playmate side of things .....

so IMHO i dont think they would go stale .......

just enterd to work at a differnt stage in their development .....

yis fellman

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Guest grubygrafter

i think entering imature dogs is a sign of inexperiance there are god nows how many good terriers every year ruined by early entering. ive never heard of a dog ruined by patience.if a dog wont work after being held back . he didnt have it in the first place. as long as the ground work has been done you can hold it back as long as you you like.it wont do a bit of harm. where as entering early has many pitfalls. as for setting an age. its got its benifits but can only be a rough guess. as they are all individuals


as usual i find myself in agreement with the more sensible and mature terriermen.

you know the ones. :good:

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What about the troublesome youngster thats spoiling for a fight.They know they have a purpose in life but have not yet seen the way forward, as in work.To hold such a dog back is asking for fights and scores to be settled whilst exercising ,and not many people have the time to walk a dog seperately .I have found that a pup such as this changes overnight when given a purpose in life .I wouldnt like to think I had to suffer this just to stick to the 2 year mark .Im not saying that the youngster should be worked continuous from this point on but regular enough to keep him sane .O.M.O but maybe some people should get to know a decent strain of worker that is predictable instead of chopping about trying this and that ,hoping to find the next world beater .I never expect too much of a pup in the first season ,only that it stays in shallow places.People will be muttering that if the dog is of the right stuff ,then it will stay at any depth .This is true but the longer a pup stays, maybe getting punished ,the geater is the chance of it standing off too far next time.Keep them winning at any age and you wont go far wrong ,providing it is of the right breeding for the job .


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