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Guest JOEB

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:good: Thanks all for the nice comments..........shes been in the dogs home over 18 months and they didnt have 1 call for her :o

They gave her a terrible write up and said that she coulnt be near other dogs, kids, was bad on the lead.

I have to say, she is excellent in every respect.........had her out the other day with 11 mixed terriers and lurchers and she loved it, was swimming with em and everything!

We have got over the lead issue allready.

She is very green in the field...........when I first let her off, she took off at full speed and ended up nose down in a ditch looking very sorry for herself :laugh:

I dont think she has ever been entered to quarry yet :unsure: ..........but she will soon pick all that up.

She needs a bit of toning up, but her pads are still very soft so I am not over doing it.

I have to say........shes great


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Very nive looking bitch,what do you reckon her breeding is?

Skull I would guess at squirrel.


I reckon saluki/grey kane..........shes has that thousand yard stair and a certain dumbness about her that makes me think saluki.JMHO

But, saying all that.......she is brite, picks things up quick...........anyway its just a guess.

She stands @ 26 and a bit inch........


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