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earlymorning cull

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:good: good job done FOXSHOT , where did you get that comb raiser for your rifle from , i need one for my 22-250 and arnt having much luck finding one .cheers :good:

nutshot the comb raiser was purchaced from my local gun club however rifle-cases.co.uk sell some good ones / rabbiter well spoted part of the lung was showing and my rifle is a 223 using 55gr v-max , as for EWOK'S question i knew where the set was so it was just a mater of getting somewhere in cover and waiting


What range on the Fox top right Foxshot ..................I use this ammo and have a photo of a head shot at 131 paces ..............look like you managed to squeak them close in :good:

dead ive all fox's were a little over 100 yds ,they were shot just outside the set so there was no need to call them , it was just a matter of being patient and letting them give a good clear shot ,
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dead ive all fox's were a little over 100 yds ,they were shot just outside the set so there was no need to call them , it was just a matter of being patient and letting them give a good clear shot ,


Causes some devastation does a V-max ................But humane at the end of the day :good:





This is my 700 Remmington in.223 ,she 's had the trigger worked and has a suppresser fitted .

Rabbiter ...........Excuse my ignorance but are you NZ or Aus ..............Reason being I was led to believe suppressed fullbore was a big no no down under .........certainly in Australia anyway .........or are you residing over here and hanging on to your roots :icon_redface:

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Guest rabbiter

Mate you are dead right in "Aussie" the suppresser is a no, no , but hey they are a funnie lot over there ... :guitar::guitar: :icon_eek:I'm in NZ.

Edited by rabbiter
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Mate you are dead right in "Aussie" the suppresser is a no, no , but hey they are a funnie lot over there ... :guitar::guitar: :icon_eek:I'm in NZ.

At least you have a strip of water to seperate you ..............We have the Welsh and the Scots :wacko: :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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