lamp+battery 98 Posted May 6, 2009 Report Share Posted May 6, 2009 right i have just swoped my cammo net for some mole traps, and i have been asked by the farmer ov my permission a while back if i did moles so i rang him and asked if he got the sorted and he said no, i told him that i got some traps and i have never tryed this befor so all i can do is try for you, he said you can practis on here if you want to i dont mind doin them for free for him as he is helpin me out, what i need to no is do i flaten all mole hill apart from the crown ( biggest hill) and put the traps in the tunnels that lead to the crown, and go back the next mornin and look where the new hills go and put my traps between the last 2 hills, if this sounds daft please tell me as im only goin off what my mate has told me,and could any ov you trappers please put a few pic`s up ov how to place the trap in the tunnel ie how deep how to cover the trap do i fill or just put enough over to cover the holes on the trap to stop the light gettin through, any help would be more than greatfull lookin forward to tryin this as it has always been a thing i have wanted to do atb..............lamp Quote Link to post
lamp+battery 98 Posted May 6, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 6, 2009 and i was woundering can i feed them to the ferrets or not ????? Quote Link to post
stephen58 1 Posted May 6, 2009 Report Share Posted May 6, 2009 Hi L+B give John B a PM at fourteenacres and get Wayne Walton,s ( moley ) DVD , money well spent , secondly what type of mole traps are you using ??? best regards Steve Quote Link to post
Guest ferret feller Posted May 6, 2009 Report Share Posted May 6, 2009 people say ferrets will not eat moles i think they might play with em but not eat them you could trap loads and stich yourselv a nice pair of moleskin trousers? Quote Link to post
RatSnatcher 0 Posted May 7, 2009 Report Share Posted May 7, 2009 If I was you I would do what has been suggested and buy Moley's video, it will answer all your questions and you will learn from a real pro Quote Link to post
patchworkcrew 0 Posted May 7, 2009 Report Share Posted May 7, 2009 Agreed. Watch the vid and then ask about anything that doesn't make sense. As to eating them - I don't think even foxes will eat them. Before you go the skinning route make sure you can cure the skins because they pong something awful after a few hours. I skinned one I had caught - the muscles a mole has on its back are truly awesome and worth a look. I think there is still a limited market for skins but how you go about selling them I don't know. Bob G Quote Link to post
lamp+battery 98 Posted May 7, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 7, 2009 they are dubble catch barrel traps so i have been told, thanks for the replys lads im new to this pest so if i ask daft quiestions then please tell me , what would i charge if other farmers ask??? you dont have to tell me how much you charge, i would probs just want enough to cover me petrol, do you think that would be ok im not in it for the money just love any kind ov hunting/pest control and like been out doors, how much is this dvd on mole catchin, i have read a few posts befor i put this post up but couldent find any pics on settin the traps etc, thats why i asked for a few pics, i have got the traps and land to try things out just lookin for a point in the right direction how to start. thanks again ...........lamp Quote Link to post
patchworkcrew 0 Posted May 7, 2009 Report Share Posted May 7, 2009 The barrel trap is the one I use most. It's not quite right to describe it as a "double" since it works one way only. It just means that if your mole travels either direction it will get caught. That said, sometimes 2 moles are caught, particularly if the trap is set in a tunnel that links systems. I've never managed to do this but I dare say there are some trappers on the forum that have. Charging is by result so - first catch your mole. No mole, no fee. That's what I understand anyway although there are some trappers that have a "call out" charge to cover costs with a fee per mole on top. I don't know what the going rate is since I don't trap outside our estate. The last time I heard it was something like £20 the first mole and then £10 for each additional mole caught at the same time. But I could be completely wrong. Good luck. Bob G Quote Link to post
lamp+battery 98 Posted May 7, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 7, 2009 cheers mate i just said dubble as thats what i got told they were lol, and thanks for the info on price, i was just goin to offer to do them for a bit ov rabbitin insted ov the money i would rather work my ferrets and run my dogs than make money from anyone thanks again ...........lamp Quote Link to post
lamp+battery 98 Posted May 7, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 7, 2009 the cheek ov it lol i bet your mate was pissed, i wil keep you all up to date on how i get on and no dought will be askin silly quiestions to, im goin over the morn to have a look on my permission and see if i can get some traps out over the weekend, my mate said he did it years ago so he is goin to come over with me and show me what the crack is, carnt wait im like a kid with a new toy lol want to play with it now, the traps are a bit rusty on the top and under side but still in good workin order should i get the rust off ? i have a little dremmel thing that will take off the rust but i dont want to do this befor i no it will be ok to do so, and can i buy any spray paint or other stuff to recover them with ???? cheers ..........lamp Quote Link to post
patchworkcrew 0 Posted May 7, 2009 Report Share Posted May 7, 2009 lamp+battery said: the cheek ov it lol i bet your mate was pissed, i wil keep you all up to date on how i get on and no dought will be askin silly quiestions to, im goin over the morn to have a look on my permission and see if i can get some traps out over the weekend, my mate said he did it years ago so he is goin to come over with me and show me what the crack is, carnt wait im like a kid with a new toy lol want to play with it now, the traps are a bit rusty on the top and under side but still in good workin order should i get the rust off ? i have a little dremmel thing that will take off the rust but i dont want to do this befor i no it will be ok to do so, and can i buy any spray paint or other stuff to recover them with ???? cheers ..........lamp I wouldn't bother cleaning them up too much. There's a regulation or is it code of practice, that says you should discard traps after so many "springs". I think it might be 20(??) but the type of springing on a barrel trap doesn't degrade in the same way that others do. That said, if the springs are rusty I would ditch them and get some new. I get mine from: You might also like to look at the BTMR site - there is lots of advice and links to other sites. Going out with an experienced mole catcher is the best!! ATB Bob G Quote Link to post
lamp+battery 98 Posted May 7, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 7, 2009 thanks mate i will have have a proper look at them sites mate cheers lamp Quote Link to post
Corky(amateur) 0 Posted May 9, 2009 Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 i am in a similar situation using the dufus traps. Didn't get many hints from here but that is tottaly understandable you mole trappers as it is a job and if every man and his dog could do it it wouldn't be a profession. i got a few tips from a pest contrller friend but just get out and experiment. personally, i found setting a trap between two molehills work and using the mole hill soil(soft and fine) works well to block out light and air but still spring effectively. i have caught 3 in a week so far and had one set off. i have 5 traps and am doing it for a bit off permission also. Quote Link to post
lamp+battery 98 Posted May 9, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 i dont want to charge people and put people out ov a job i will only do it if the farmer hasent got any 1 doin it already im not 1 for stepin on anyones toes if you no what i mean, just always wanted to learn all aspects ov pest control as that is what i love to do with my free time, i read alot ov peoples posts on all sorts ov things and find it all interesting stuff and think i wouldent mind havein a go at that, i went over and spoke to the farmer ov my permission today and he said i could have a go at them, so im goin over on monday mornin to have a look he is goin to show me the places he thinks i will get the best results and where i can see the damage they are doin to his land, he gave me a map ov where he was havein problems with rabbits because some ov the land has a lot ov rabbit sets but nothing in them and he put me bang on them, so i trust him to place me where i will get some moles, so carnt wait to have a go at them will put a few pics ov how im doin it ie settin the traps diggin the holes for the traps etc and people can tellme if imdoin it right ( if they want to ) atb.......lamp Quote Link to post
RatSnatcher 0 Posted May 10, 2009 Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 Well I say fair play to you, your doing everything right, just get some good traps you cant be to bad a lad to have a farmer that helps you out like that, if you need any proper mole traps give me a PM Quote Link to post
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