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  doubledupdogs said:
  MR POACH said:
if its frowned upon , to double dogs up too run a hare[ preban] whats the story behind that [doubling up ] :D:rolleyes:


not round here its not, we run in pairs to get the numbers, usually we have a fast dog to pull the quarry then a big massive dog to back it up.

only the big back up dogs are used for stud or to start a line though. :)


doubleing up is no great acheivement is it mate ???

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heres my dog hes pie lines still a pup hes not far off 10 months hes about 26tts , very keen dog very turned on , been a handfull at times        

surely the trick is to breed a dog that can move and graft, unless its around terriers ? lamp dogs dont need to be heavily laiden with bull if their bred right,

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Guest DogFaceKillah
  doubledupdogs said:
  MR POACH said:
if its frowned upon , to double dogs up too run a hare[ preban] whats the story behind that [doubling up ] :D:rolleyes:


not round here its not, we run in pairs to get the numbers, usually we have a fast dog to pull the quarry then a big massive dog to back it up.

only the big back up dogs are used for stud or to start a line though. :)


but that means the dog will never be truly tested nor will it reach it limits! i run my dogs doubled up, but i also test the dog on its own! and as for breeding from the brutes, id rather breed off the catch dog, there for the numbers will still be bagged,

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Guest DogFaceKillah

and ive known dogs that will kill doubled up, put them on there own and they avnt got the balls or heart to do the job, a dog s only truly tested on its own, doubled up its only half a dog

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a dog that will kill foxes ain't hard to get,a dog that'll catch foxes is harder to get,a combination of the two was what was required,harder to get.some people seen foxes in big numbers,some did'nt.the one's that did'nt doubled dogs up so each dog got a run.people that went after big numbers doubled up(made sense,twice the chance of catching)i would double up if i wanted numbers.dogs can be tested in many ways,as we know

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  doubledupdogs said:
  MR POACH said:
if its frowned upon , to double dogs up too run a hare[ preban] whats the story behind that [doubling up ] :D:rolleyes:


not round here its not, we run in pairs to get the numbers, usually we have a fast dog to pull the quarry then a big massive dog to back it up.

only the big back up dogs are used for stud or to start a line though. :)

what breed of dogs are you running and more importantly who bred em , ?? :hmm:
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  celtic hound said:
a dog that will kill foxes ain't hard to get,a dog that'll catch foxes is harder to get,a combination of the two was what was required,harder to get.some people seen foxes in big numbers,some did'nt.the one's that did'nt doubled dogs up so each dog got a run.people that went after big numbers doubled up(made sense,twice the chance of catching)i would double up if i wanted numbers.dogs can be tested in many ways,as we know

i've allways found it to be the other way round, it "was" far easier to get a dog to catch a fox than it was to kill one, i always preffered to get mine with the 1 dog because imo its the only way to see what a dog is really capable of......

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Guest fence_hopper

here you are lads my bedlington greyhound will kill a fox quicker than any of your bull greys seconds and it a goner. my bull cross is harder than yours lol beddy grey all the way



there you go ladies 8 1/2 yrs old, 24 buns one night next night 2 buns 1 big bun and mister chicken killer



Edited by fence_hopper
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  lucky said:
  celtic hound said:
a dog that will kill foxes ain't hard to get,a dog that'll catch foxes is harder to get,a combination of the two was what was required,harder to get.some people seen foxes in big numbers,some did'nt.the one's that did'nt doubled dogs up so each dog got a run.people that went after big numbers doubled up(made sense,twice the chance of catching)i would double up if i wanted numbers.dogs can be tested in many ways,as we know

i've allways found it to be the other way round, it "was" far easier to get a dog to catch a fox than it was to kill one, i always preffered to get mine with the 1 dog because imo its the only way to see what a dog is really capable of......

what i meant is the heavier type dogs would destroy them but would'nt be able to catch them.then you have the style of lamping,some go to it,some try to get it to come to them and some run what looks runable.the hardest thing was getting the balance,a catch/kill dog.

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  jambo said:
  samba said:
  jambo said:
  samba said:
  Alaunt said:
Barneys Rip was a first cross bull/greyhound



Heres my bitch direct out of Barney as far as i know she is 2nd generation



write now thing i bred that bitch out of my 1/2x bitch fury to rip

sold it to a lad called duncan from scotland as a pup

hows she been as a worker mate


She's a top class bitch.

Queenie is looking well
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  • 2 months later...
Does anyone use the Powell line? Sired by Arthur?

Got a pup of this breeding, Hope shes gona be a good un!

i think you will find arthur thats owened by powell cums from jack smiths lines which are very good lines
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