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One of my chickens has developed a poorly eye. I say its developed as i dont believe i would have missed this when i picked them up. She is fine in herself -eating, laying and doing those normal chickeny things, but has one eye shut and directly below the eye it is ever so slightly swollen.

Should i give medication of some kind , seek vetinary advice or leave it a bit as she seems to be fine apart from this.


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One of my banties has just recovered from something very similar to this,i got medication from the vet,general antibiotic given through syringe. Took about a fortnight but its very close to being back to normal now.She went off the lay during it but got an egg from her the other day so hopefully she'll start again as normal soon.

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One of my chickens has developed a poorly eye. I say its developed as i dont believe i would have missed this when i picked them up. She is fine in herself -eating, laying and doing those normal chickeny things, but has one eye shut and directly below the eye it is ever so slightly swollen.

Should i give medication of some kind , seek vetinary advice or leave it a bit as she seems to be fine apart from this.

gently flush it with very mild salt water or you could use optrex to clean it its probably just had/got a bit of saw dust in it or been pecked it should come right in a couple of days :thumbs:
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To tell you the truth it looks like Mycoplasma.



yeah possibly Richie.....


is there any other symptoms trappa ?......bubbly eyes, coughing, sore throat ?

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my buff cockeral had a similar thing, turned out he had a little feather stuck in it, prised his eye open and poured a little salt water into it, he was fine the following day, he was landed, he could see his girls again....

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There are no other symptoms. She is absolutely fine and dandy. i didnt want to catch her up really and upset her but if it doesnt sort itself out soon i will need to. Like i say, the eye is shut and there is an ever so slight swelling below it- no weeping, no sores -nothing.

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There are no other symptoms. She is absolutely fine and dandy. i didnt want to catch her up really and upset her but if it doesnt sort itself out soon i will need to. Like i say, the eye is shut and there is an ever so slight swelling below it- no weeping, no sores -nothing.


I think that sounds more like there's something in it then, than infection or virus etc... That or she's been caught by another one flapping it's wings or something.... I'd go for the salt water flush first and see how she gets on with that, you wont go causing them too much stress either, try doing it when they've just gone to roost.

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