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Semi or bolt?

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Hi, I'm about to apply for my FAC & shot gun licence.


Could anyone guide me as to whether a .22 bolt action rim fire is more accurate than a semi-auto version (most shops so that it is!)


And if so by how much?


I'll be shooting mainly basic vermin (rabbits, crows, pigeons etc)


Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

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bolt action is by far more accurate than the semi. and alot more consistant. i believe the reason for this is the bolt constantly locks the bullet in the same place whereas the semi kinda shuts quickly and doesnt lock it in as well. kinda poorly put i hope u can see what i am saying. as for accuracy, bolt action firing 22 eley subs, 1 hole group of 3 bullets at 50-60 yards. semi auto 2 or 3 inch groups with the occasional flier and jamming which is very annoying.


if your after a bit of fun then semi. for precise accurate rifle then always bolt action.


hope this helps.



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Hi Gossy,


Thanks for such a quick reply.


Yep, that makes a lot of sense. A bolt action definitely sounds like the best option. Shooting should be enjoyable (fun) but when it comes to shooting animals accuracy has to be the number one criteria in order to be as humane as possible.



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bolt action is by far more accurate than the semi. and alot more consistant. i believe the reason for this is the bolt constantly locks the bullet in the same place whereas the semi kinda shuts quickly and doesnt lock it in as well. kinda poorly put i hope u can see what i am saying. as for accuracy, bolt action firing 22 eley subs, 1 hole group of 3 bullets at 50-60 yards. semi auto 2 or 3 inch groups with the occasional flier and jamming which is very annoying.


if your after a bit of fun then semi. for precise accurate rifle then always bolt action.


hope this helps.




As said, semi is great sport/fun to shoot. However for the serious stuff manual will always be best,


Easy to convert .22s to full auto. but totally illegal you understand.

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bolt action is by far more accurate than the semi. and alot more consistant. i believe the reason for this is the bolt constantly locks the bullet in the same place whereas the semi kinda shuts quickly and doesnt lock it in as well. kinda poorly put i hope u can see what i am saying. as for accuracy, bolt action firing 22 eley subs, 1 hole group of 3 bullets at 50-60 yards. semi auto 2 or 3 inch groups with the occasional flier and jamming which is very annoying.


if your after a bit of fun then semi. for precise accurate rifle then always bolt action.


hope this helps.



Bolt gun is normally a little more accurate, but don't write off the semi auto. I have a Ruger 10/22T and it will hold its own with the CZs any day. Reliability is very good so long as you clean it.

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All semis jam ! just when you need it most.


Bolt action is the best way to go as every one has said

You know, bolt guns jam too...


Yes, semi autos do jam, but if you get the right one (10/22) and you look after it, then it will look after you, simple as.


BUT I would still recommend a bolt action for the rabbits. They are quieter with subs (no action noise) and the CZ452 requires no tweaking or work to get it to shoot really well.


However, a 10/22 is a perfectly accurate rifle, it's reliable, and compared to CZ's new pricing, it's pretty damn cheap too.

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With care and maintenance and love and a bit of luck, a semi can be very nearly as accurate as a bolt....for the purpose of bunny bashing the difference is hardly worth talking about.


Problem is, almost everything else with a semi.


They can be great fun and possibly best viewed in this way, I don't have one, but I've used several, mainly 10-22 but I have thought about getting one..the Magtech appeals at around £140 but the trigger is absolute garbage and apparently NOT adjustable :hmm::doh:

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I have both.


I do prefer the Rugar 10/22 semi, although i have had problems with the mag jamming but not with accuracy.


I have a SAKO bolt and that has jammed on me a few times too.


The bolt is the more traditional rifle yes, but i dont go for the looks. Its a tool at the end of the day.


Look after your rifle, and you wont go far wrong.

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i have a ruger 10/22, semi-auto. it is very accurate, 1/2 inch groups at 75 yards with winchester subs. even out at long range it is still accurate, shot a rabbit at 116 yards lastnight out of the truck. as for jamming, i havent ever had a jam, but its not had that many rounds through it yet (bout 900 so far). if you have lots of rabbits out at once then get a semi-auto because you can shoot 2 or 3 before they know whats happening. if you want a good semi-auto look at rimfiremagic.co.uk


hope that helps a bit

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Been there done it - Started with a bolt .22 (BRNO) super little gun very accurate, then thought I would like a change to a semi (10/22) constantly jammed, always had to keep sliding the bolt back to check it had cycled. Within 3 months started to really hate it so part exchanged it for an Anchutz bolt action - very happy with it.


From what I know many people who buy the dreaded 10/22 s just about replace every nut and bolt on it to get them to shoot well and generally at an eye watering cost to them - still a 10/22 at the end of the day.


just my 2p worth

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