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ferreting in New zealand

Guest rabbiter

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Guest rabbiter








ready and set







got you .






right,where to next boss :D:D





set up and waiting for the ferret to do his job.




and there we go ,only one in there today ,but have had up to 12 at one time.

Edited by rabbiter
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Well done mate, good to see you using those longnets. Are you in the South Island mate?


What interest me is that i though ferrets where illeagle to keep as pets?, I understand if you would keep them anyway. I would if i was in the situation :good:


Very Well done mate :good:

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Guest rabbiter

Yes the long net is just great ,around huts and sheds , in fact anywhere I can't guard all the sides at once .No ferrets can be kept as pets ,but you can't keep more than two and they must be desexed .So the D.O.C thinks that after 10 or so years no one should have them ,but there is nonething to stop one catching a young wild ferret and tameing it down .We have done so and if they are young enough it takes only a few weeks . :D

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Guest rabbiter

Yes everyone than sees "snowie" says how white he is , :D but thats because hes just got his new long white winter coat ,it will change again during the spring to a much short summer coat and at the end of the summer he will be quite yellow looking.I'm my self employed running alegitimate full time pest control business but still couldn't get a licence,as they didn't want people keeping them and only gave 2 out to ferret farms where they bred and send desexed ferrets over to Japan for pets .It all came about because of the "greenies or as we call them here ...tree huggers " who wanted the goverment to change the law as ferrets were becoming very popular as pets and if any got away they would add to the wild population of which there is alot and eat the odd native bird .All bull shit of course ,but learnt along time ago ,that the world runs on bull shit and nonething you can do will change that ..one must look after ones self and we could see the law change coming and so took steps ,to do so . :good:

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