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Right, one of my mates dogs came out for a walk with us on friday, and he had very gunky eyes, i didnt think anything of it at the time, but now my patt and my collie have got gunk eye! just wondered if theres any common problem with this and a good way to sort it ? just want an idea before i go to the vets (vets in surrey are a complete rip off!!)


Thanks for your time!



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It can be very infectious, eye drops are available such as optrex infected eyes from pharmacists though can be a problems putting in after the first few times. Any eye symptom is a little risky and expert advice is always the safest option.

Good luck s

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All mine have it right now,


And everyone i train with. There dog's have it too.


The only thing that help's is human eye drop's called "brolene"

Go into the co-op and ask for eye drop's for a mild eye infection, and put them in morning and night ;)

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Guest jt750

Try warm salty water for a few days or the teabag trick posted earlier . If no joy go to the chemist and ask for optrex (if boots chemist insist on optrex not their own) if they ask who its for say its for other half as eyes a bit gunky ..if you say its for your dog your likely not to get it ...if this doesn't work its the vet i'm afraid

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my imediat thought is conjoenctevitus (cant spell i know) not sure how to treat it but watch because you can catch it from your dog

its conjunctivitis, for future referance ;)!



Ok im trying the cold tea thing, for now, if it gets any worse its straight to the vet for all 3 dogs! could do without it to be honest, my car has just given up the ghost aswell! :icon_eek::(:blink:

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