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just a thought. is reloading completely out of the question for you. because if it isnt you could scrap the 17hmr and keep the .223. if you reload a .223 i reckon with some tinkering you'd be able to get loads that are cheaper than typical hmr ammo. especially as the last box's i got cost me £12.50 a box. that way you have a .22lr for close range rabbiting and a .223 for foxing a long range rabbiting. just a thought to consider before you send off the certificate


ATB Jack

Edited by arveyboy
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very very interesting topic as im kind of in the same boat as you dave424!


personally id go for the .17hmr just for the fun of it BUT...........................


just to throw the cat amongst the pigeons how about the .20 tactical??, i dont know a great deal about firearms ect but from what ive been reading about .20tac it will do every thing the .17hmr does but still has enough clout for foxs as well!


ive no idea as to the cost of ammo or the rifle its self though!


any body know any more about .20tactical?




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very very interesting topic as im kind of in the same boat as you dave424!


personally id go for the .17hmr just for the fun of it BUT...........................


just to throw the cat amongst the pigeons how about the .20 tactical??, i dont know a great deal about firearms ect but from what ive been reading about .20tac it will do every thing the .17hmr does but still has enough clout for foxs as well!


ive no idea as to the cost of ammo or the rifle its self though!


any body know any more about .20tactical?






Centre fire verses rimfire debate.......

Not rearly a fare comparison.


.20 tac is a good fox calibre, but overkill for long range rabbit IMHO. Assuming you can get your FEO to give you a centre fire for rabbit.... Also noise is a bit issue.


For rabbits up to 100 yards, there is realy only .22lr. more bangs for your bucks. On calm days this range can be extended with a .17 hmr.But at a price!!



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I would considder reloading but if I keep the .17HMR it dosent mean that I have to buy one


So I could just stay with a .22lr and .223 as you suggest




i'm not denouncing the .17hmr because i have one and its a quality calibre. it certainly has its place in my cabinet as its an awesome medium range rabbit tool and great for magpies, rooks, crows and the odd pigeon. however, in your situation i might suggest you go for the .223 unless you're happy to buy all three calibres. the .22lr certainly has a place because from my experience its an awesome close range rabbit round, cheap and deadly quiet. a typical reloading setup with the basics will cost you roughly 200 quid though ive spent considerably more on mine. thats cheaper than a .17hmr is going to cost you by a significant margin (mine cost me £700 to give you a rough guess) and it also means you can tune your own loads to do precisely what you want for a cheaper price than a .17hmr and considerably more stopping power for charlie. it will be slight overkill on rabbits so if you intend to eat them you're going to need headshots ;)


what do you reckon?


if you want to know a rough reloading set-up pm me and i'll send you an email that an experienced reloader sent me to show me what i'd need to get started.

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This thread is getting quite confusing, all these different calibres being bandied about :laugh:


The .20Tac is still a Wildcat calibre, requiring reloading and if you want a rifle like that, you reload anyway! I believe that there is some Factory ammo available for it in the US.


To start off with, a gentle C/F that will do the job is what the lad needs for confidence ;)

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haha I am so amazed how long this thread has become and sone really useful information here.


Just to let you guys know. When I get the FAC, I will immediatley buy the .22lr


After A while I will buy the .223


and if I find the .22lr inadequate for longer ranges then I would get the .17HMR


I don't think I am going to go down the reloading route. However I have heard about 55 grain .223 WOLF ammo that it SUPER cheap. Where can I get these? they might be a good choice for long range rabbit



Edited by dave424
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if you can get the cheap stuff to work in your rifle then you're lucky. its rifle dependant so your most accurate round may be more expensive than the cheaper stuff. but best of luck with it.


while you're on a role with this post you may as well ask inform everyone of your budget so we can help you out on the set-ups you might want. if you already have your mind set then no worries

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Yeah, I understand that more accurate ammo will be more expensive


well........ urm........... I have about £25,000 in the gun fund (Not gunna spend close to that lol) however I want to get the best gun for the best price. I was thinking a cz452 synthetic stainless for the .22lr and not sure about the .223 Maybe about £400


My brother has the cz Varmint american in .17HMR and a Howa 1500 with the houge overmoulded stock in .223 REM



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