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from the look of the 1st picture, and size of skull against your hand, teeth arrangement its a meat eater, but teeth look too big for a fox, so I'll go with my guess as a dog


unless its a big cat of course :hmm:





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Looks like a badger to me.......? But the ridge (fin) to the top of the skull doesn't look high enough.....would be interesting to positively ID it............but i will still go with badger.

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Looks like a badger to me.......? But the ridge (fin) to the top of the skull doesn't look high enough.....would be intersting to positively ID it............but i will still go with badger.

It does look like a badger but its neck looks a bit long in the 4th pick.

Bite looks odd too.

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The farmer recons it could be Badger, But in all the time i've been Lamping the land, i have never seen one.

I recon that what ever it is, it may have been brough into the field by fox or large bird of prey, there is no fur or legs laying around to sudgest it was killed in the field.

I also thought it could be a Bull Terrier, But it is a long way off from any road or houseing.

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