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i have a pup(nearly 9weeks) she's great but sometimes gets a a bit heavy handed with the play biting, she does it if your playing with her or if were in the garden retrieving socks etc or sometimes if your just stroking her. nothing painfull. its not really a problem for me but she does it to my three year old son, who is starting to get wary of her which is not what i want so i need to try and stop it. i have tried the NO! and also reprimanding her but she is still doing it. any ideas please fellas?

cheers tony

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how old was she when you got her? sometimes they learn a bit of manners if left with siblings/mother a bit longer.


Might sound daft, and you will definitely sound it, but try making a high-pitched yelp like dogs do in pain when she bites. Its what other dogs do and they respond to it and seem to understand it hurts, and learn quicker than when simply making them think its wrong. If it doesn't work, spread your fingers and give her a quick, but not harsh poke in the side when she does, physically telling a dog 'no' has more impact when its serious, but NEVER hurt, its meant to be a shock not pain in any way.



Edited by Ratreeper
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how old was she when you got her? sometimes they learn a bit of manners if left with siblings/mother a bit longer.


Might sound daft, and you will definitely sound it, but try making a high-pitched yelp like dogs do in pain when she bites. Its what other dogs do and they respond to it and seem to understand it hurts, and learn quicker than when simply making them think its wrong. If it doesn't work, spread your fingers and give her a quick, but not harsh poke in the side when she does, physically telling a dog 'no' has more impact when its serious, but NEVER hurt, its meant to be a shock not pain in any way.



Got it in one :clapper:

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Do what its mother would, and grab it by the scruff of the neck, and give it a shake when it bites again. From 8 weeks old- 18 weeks old, it as to know how far it can go, regards useing its teeth. ;);)

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