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I've got a running dog pup who is almost 7 months now, and before I thought he was just a monorchid which didn't overly worry me as I got him for running, not breeding. Not that I don't want to have the possibility of breeding him, but it was not a key thing for me so I wasn't too worked up about it. But it made me think about it again yesterday when I was going over the dogs for ticks after a walk in high brush, and I was comparing him to a young terrier pup of Kyes. My pup has just got one tiny ball, and hide nor hair has been seen in the recent past of the second ball, no amount of probing could find it. And when I say the one he has is tiny, I MEAN tiny ... maybe the size of my middle finger nail ... with the combination of just having one, and that one being so small, mean he'll be sterile?

Edited by His Wife
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as im sure your aware this is a genetic fault so breeding is not recomended if the other ball dosnt drop you couldt just have it removed by surgery



to reduce the chance of cancer

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as im sure your aware this is a genetic fault so breeding is not recomended if the other ball dosnt drop you couldt just have it removed by surgery



to reduce the chance of cancer

it would be well advisable to get that one and the retained one removed when hes about 12-18 months old. Goes without saying he shouldnt be bred from!!

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Got he same problem with my lab. when he was about 6 months i took him in for a check up and the young vet told me that he should have an op' to prevent the risk of cancer, with him being so young i really didnt want him to go through that and decided to ask again at his 1 year booster.

This time i got an older vet and he said not to worry about it but keep an eye on him, that he had seen alot more cases of cancer in dogs with both balls dropped and if he did get cancer then it would probably when he was 9 or 10 years plus.

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yes I know, thanks ... but as we only breed for ourselves, we don't sell dogs, (on the rare occasions we do breed, just 1 litter in the past 4 years), and if the dog turns out to be a shit-hot dog (which he shows every sign of so far) something like one ball is not going to take him out of my plans for breeding ... there are a lot worse faults out there, such as low prey drive, poor temperament, bad feet, etc.


spoke to my vet about the cancer concern, he said any intact dog can get it, either with both balls down or just one, sterile or not, and normally hits older dogs anyway, and not too many working dogs make old bones


has anyone out there had a dog with one or both balls being really small like that?

Edited by His Wife
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Stevie did your Lab have one small ball, or was it normal sized?

Sorry should have put that it is normal sized. Got to agree with you on the breeding front too, he is 4 in sept' and he has turned out to be a cracker and he hopefully will be going to some lucky lady this year sometime. :D

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its just my opinion that as long as someone isn't selling or gifting pups without informing of known defects in the line, it is their right to breed whatever they want. And if I could pick a genetic defect, one ball would be at the top of the list!


but my question is about the size of the ball(s), not the lack of one ball.


Is size a genetic thing?

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its balls will grow bigger when the dogs a bit older... my two 6month old male pups balls arent that big or noticable and i was talking to someone the other day and he only noticed his dogs nuts when it was 10months

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kyes pup is a terrier and a couple of months older than my pup, but he has had pretty much adult sized balls since he was 3 months ... I guess it has just thrown me to compare the two?


thanks for the replies folks

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he can still fire onone mate but they recon if the other one doesnt drop it can turn cancerous



you lot want to listen to lurchers as he knows all about small balls as his mrs says he not only has small balls but also some thing else is very small

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