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what is this site for


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Guest WILF

OK, So the question was "What Is This Site For"?..........well its to discuss hunting related things, maybe meet new pals, chat to like minded folk and maybe even learn a thing or two along the way.


Now, nowhere in the rules does it say that you have to blow smoke up every idiots arse..........so, the way I see it, if you like the place stay, if not then do one.........easy really! :D

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its for like minded folk to have a chat discuss hunting related topics and generally have a good time and to give there opinion whether it is liked or not :clapper:

....................or it could be for every half brained know it all to come on and spout sh!t on a subject they know sweet fannyan about just to get up someones nose a make a nuisance of themselves :D

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Guest WILF
  FELL TYPE said:
....................or it could be for every half brained know it all to come on and spout sh!t on a subject they know sweet fannyan about just to get up someones nose a make a nuisance of themselves :D


Sorry, forgot that bit :D

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  sitepatrol said:
  jt750 said:
Thing is half the time you're not allowed an opinion because if conflicts with someone else's then people start getting all anti and aggressive ..you try to give sound advice and you'ree shot down in flames ..half the time i would imagine the real knowledgeable people just don't post



Good reply mate.atb. sitepatrol


How the F*** would you know?!!





NING NING round one!

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Guest sitepatrol
  Swampy said:
  sitepatrol said:
  jt750 said:
Thing is half the time you're not allowed an opinion because if conflicts with someone else's then people start getting all anti and aggressive ..you try to give sound advice and you'ree shot down in flames ..half the time i would imagine the real knowledgeable people just don't post



Good reply mate.atb. sitepatrol


How the F*** would you know?!!





NING NING round one!



There you go again.Picking on the weakest ning ning round two

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This site is about gaining knowledge, sharing your knowledge, making friends, losing friends, making enemys, accusing people of things, finding out what size is yours?, slagging people off, printing things, how to become a dog theif, being scum, coppers, speacial agents, Rspca inspectors, grassing up, etc..............


Now what else is there?



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Guest oldskool
  WILF said:
  welshhound2 said:
  oldskool said:
a clear out and an end to the 'open gate policy' is the only way IMO...

got to agree threre should be like it was when the site first started


I dont agree with that at all.........now as we all know there are a million wankers out there but from time to time there will be lads and lasses of the right sort who will be encouraged and indeed find new hunting buddies because of this site.


that is a VERY good thing IMHO.........they will learn the right way and that is only to be encouraged.




your right wilf... in an ideal world making new hunting buddies that can teach others the right way is a great thing but it seems to be an awful risk to take in this day and age... i hunt by myself and mostly taught myself... if a newcomer has any commonsense he will see what is sporting and what is not sporting without having to be told...


summertime lamping for example, i did silly things like that when i was a cub but it only takes a catch or two start to realise that it doesnt feel right... i didnt need any buddies to tell me that it was wrong... as regards learning about dogs etc i got my info from a mixture of good reliable books and trial and error...


i like the site for sharing a days hunting experience but i think those days are over... too many bunny huggers are lookin for a superficial injury to a dog so that they can print a copy off to the rspca and push for a charge of neglect or anything else they can get...


i like the site and i think its popularity will be as just as high if not higher if it was safer for hunters to come on and post theyre days/nights out without fear of a knock on the door because their dog has a nick on its nose....






i know i'm not the boss on here but i think i'm correct in the way the site should turn... its time to lock the gate

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If you lock the gate, make sure that the 'my dick's bigger than yours' brigade are outside.


Most of the problems are caused by individuals who see hunting as a competitive sport, and rubbish anyone who seems to do better than they do.

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  droid said:
If you lock the gate, make sure that the 'my dick's bigger than yours' brigade are outside.


Most of the problems are caused by individuals who see hunting as a competitive sport, and rubbish anyone who seems to do better than they do.


Very True.

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  digger63 said:


Like i said you wouldn't need to be sherlock to work certain things out,i dont think you read it properly,either that or staffies can live for 30 yrs,thats not all just a single point,


It didn't get off the first page without baiting being mentioned,bit of difference between a 14lb terrier and a fekin bulldog imo.


I honestly think the anti's post on things like that to egg people on to post worse and worse sh.t,if telling them what went on makes you feel better to rub their nose in it thats your right.


The truth is the bull lads got it banned for the rest of us,if a crowd of drunks cheering at such things seem's a good idea to you you should never be involved.


expecting a fair hammering on here for that one.


Could you explain the bit about the drunks cheering
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Whats this site for?


This site is meant to be a gathering place for like minded individuals who want to share their experience and their exploits, thats the essence of this site.


In reality? You have all of the above here, but because of a few different factors, they are now discouraged to post and share for fear of being shot down.


There will and always have been differences of opinions, nothing anyone can do about it and the world would be a very boring place. There is nothing wrong with expressing an opinion either, but there is one massive, gaping hole in expressing an opinion around here, no Tact.


Some just cannot tell someone properly if they are right or wrong or how they could improve.


Thats the way I see it.


SS :thumbs:

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  maxhardcore said:
Its the internet and you will always have folk who havnt the slightest interest in the countryside and its pursuits coming on these sites just to get a reaction and cause trouble as they can, they are anonymous a username , most probably unknown by other members, best just ignore them, they will get sick due to lack of attention and most prob go away.


Trouble is, it's the buggers who DO have an interest in the countryside and its' pursuits, but only in as far as it makes them look big and clever.

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