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terrier or lion

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im in a bit of need for advice i have a lovely good working terrier but he think's he's a lion and not good with other male's but it's jelousy as we'll as dominant's im now wanting to get another and worried there figth can anybody help

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If you can just manage with the one just keep the one.

If you realy need another then like stevie D.says get a bitch.

If he is a good working dog what ever you do dont castrate him because a lot of the time it makes no difference to temperament what so ever.

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Guest whitser
im in a bit of need for advice i have a lovely good working terrier but he think's he's a lion and not good with other male's but it's jelousy as we'll as dominant's im now wanting to get another and worried there figth can anybody help

if you get a yong pup and take your time introducing them they should be fine. the older dog shouldn't view the pup as a threat. by the time the pups grown they should be comfortable around each other. but i have seen dogs develop a hatered for each other over time. best way to avoid this is to restrict them having any confrontations, feed them apart from eachother, give them a kennell each, plenty of exercise and work,bored dogs will fight quicker then tired ones. dont give them any excuse to take to fighting. i always find more then one dog is easier to keep cos they keep each other company when no one's home,dogs are pack animals they do better with company. good luck.

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