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Why I tend to prefer dogs to humans

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Yep....dogs for me every time...

If I ever witnessed animal cruelty on this scale, its probably the one thing that I would do time for :yes:

I would be happy to sacrifice my freedom to break /shoot some animal hurting w4nkers kneecaps...for sure.

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I've just noticed something, unfortuately it does nothing for the dog BUT there has been no slagging of the member :icon_eek: , so hell this thread has to be a first and a positive for us all on here :clapper: so now is the chance for all to give their support :thumbs:

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have,nt read all posts on this so it might av been said this cruelty is horendous ? but to the general public who dont hunt and believe all what the media /rspca propoganda tell them we are no better (only playing devils advocate ) not looking for a row :angel:

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Sick b*****ds! The sad thing is,despite all the good guys who own them, this cruel act is too common in the greyhound fancy. They are usually kept in kennels in remote places, where there are no neighbors to notice a dog go "missing", or connect one with a news item like this. The police and RSPCA etc get no information, so the heartless people will do it whenever a dog is surplus for whatever reason, and be fairly confident that they will not be caught.

Going on the paltry fines and 10 year bans etc for people who allow dogs/ horses / cats etc to starve to death in filthy conditions, there is no real deterrent anyway. I would not hesitate to report anyone who I knew had done this. Kneecapping would be my choice of punishment.

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the joys of greyhound men.why dont they just put the dogs down instead of doing that or even better dont have any dogs.thats shit that
you dont no it was greyhound men a bit unfair more likely an idiot who wanted it for lurcher breeding.
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i just dont understand how some one could willfully cause so much pain to a living animal and its not just the pain caused but the betrayal that poor dog must have felt! :angry::angry::angry::no::no:




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its this sort of disgraceful behavour that give lurcher and greyhound owners a bad name


sadly its very common in both ex working lurchers and ex racing greys it has to stop!! but its just so hard without enough evidence


still sad though all the best lurcher lass x x

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Tattoos prove a legal responsibility for the dog so they do it to be able to dump the dog and no come back ie not traceable.Its really stupid in this day and age why not take it to the cat and dog home or local rescue and hand it in there.I d rather see the dog shot than this carry on.Sadly its not the first and by far will it be the last.People should be made to take more responsibility for their dogs in my opinion.I have had 3 dogs of a stupid c**t from hamilton over the past year and a bit.Not trained scared witless and totally screwed up and made them better and gave them to new homes.Before long she will have another dog she cant cope with blah blah and it will land on my doorstep.Fed up telling this silly women dont get more pets.I said no to her once and she smashed the dogs head in with a claw hammer so now cant bring myself to say no anymore

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