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a good night ends in disaster

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Your lucky to of got away so lightly the ground is like concrete in my area,in these conditions anything more than light exercise is a hazard.

I would imagine if you were a less well known member you would of got a slagging for running a dog in the conditions weve had lately.JMO

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KANE your always full of shit :angry: IT HARDLY MATTERS IF IM WELL KNOW OR NOT The ground where the dog was run is in boggy moor land which is SOFT stop being a prat .Do you think i dont know when or how to run a dog you idiot :realmad: this area is allways soft all year round you just can,t help youself having a go can you your not talking to some kid who knows nothing about running dogs iv had them all my life every one who has posted has asked about the health of the dog and wishes it well APART FROM YOU or is this just sour grapes because i sided with P&g when you got on his case :angry: To evey one who is interested the bitch had a good night the swelling allthough still there has gone down a bit STARTED HER ON THE TABLETS TODAY AND SHE IS EATING FOR ENGLAND :good: ill keep you updated GOOD HUNTING ALL WOODGA :ph34r:

Edited by woodga
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Pleased your dog is going to be ok BUT?

Your lucky to of got away so lightly the ground is like concrete in my area,in these conditions anything more than light exercise is a hazard.

I would imagine if you were a less well known member you would of got a slagging for running a dog in the conditions weve had lately.JMO


A few rabbits would of been fine this time of year with the ground being like is it up here hard as concrete. good luck for the coming season. :good:

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No matter what conditions WOODGA, your dog, your rules and this unlucky injury could happen anytime to anyone.

Just hope it all turn out OK for you and your hound mate :good:

Be Lucky,


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I already read the outcome of your dogs injury before posting and for the dogs sake(not yours)ime glad it wasnt more serious.

I might agree totaly with you on one issue and then totaly dissagree on another,thats life.

Sounds like perfect running ground to me so the injury must have been a fluke,in my neck of the woods it is rare to find any number of rabbits living on wet soggy marsh land.

The hazards to a running dog are great in number its always better to be a little patient and try and save the dog some grief.


I may only be a kid compared to you woodga but the folly of running dogs in this heat and on hard ground was learnt early.

I dont know if digging cubbs and runnig lurchers during the summer months is the norm now but it never used to be(unless someones job depended on it).

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WOODGA your are spot on about KANE he is full of shit. every thread that he reads he has got to have a moan about something. u put up a thread about your dogs injury and a lot of boys replied with good remarks. untill kane had a look at the thread and as usual he couldn't keep his trap shut. and spouted a load of shit :realmad: :realmad: ......well thats been said now ....woodga i hope u get a quick recovery with the dog and good luck .. :good:

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WOODGA your are spot on about KANE he is full of shit. every thread that he reads he has got to have a moan about something. u put up a thread about your dogs injury and a lot of boys replied with good remarks. untill kane had a look at the thread and as usual he couldn't keep his trap shut. and spouted a load of shit :realmad: :realmad: ......well thats been said now ....woodga i hope u get a quick recovery with the dog and good luck .. :good:



So your saying we should all be out there running our dogs during the summer months(nice one king where do we send the vets bill to)?

If I see something I dissagree with I will open my trap, if it upsets the real deal summer time hunters I cant say ime sorry.

This is of course JMO.

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I agree with Kane, the summer is not for running dogs, even a normal walk around the fields here through the day has them panting and dragging their feet.

BUT....here in the north the evenings are still very cool, with cold winds, i have had to light my fire most nights and just 50miles further south, people i know cant sleep for the heat?


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cant u read kane. woodga went out at 11.30 pm when it had cooled down and there was dew on the ground and as he said it was soft ground so why not give the dog a few runs at that time of night. kane to be honest i think u are a very sad person who cant help but have a go at other peoples threads pull your self toghether man

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Guest stantheman

glad your dogs going to be ok woodga, There/s alot of lads run there dogs on the lamp & still course them, find the right ground it shoud be ok for lamping, you get the same problems in winter with the ground being hard, frost.

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glad your dogs going to be ok woodga, There/s alot of lads run there dogs on the lamp & still course them, find the right ground it shoud be ok for lamping, you get the same problems in winter with the ground being hard, frost.

well said :good::good:

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