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a good night ends in disaster

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well last night around 11.30 i took the dog out for a few runs as the heat had died away and there was a heavy dew on the grass enough to keep the dog cool :good: . The bitch ran a few good rabbits and i thought oh we going to have a good do here, quite a few were sitting tight and the bitch was getting some nice squatters well i had taken about 16 rabbits and i saw the bitch seemed to be holding her left front leg a bit so i put her on the slip and she never ran again.

We walked back to the car and she jumped into the back and settled down :) on arrival at home however i noticed she was carrying the leg a bit and it had started to swell so i carried her into the house gave her some warm milk with some arnica tablets and let her lie on the spare quilt.

This morning i saw the the leg had really swollen and the shoulder on the left side was full of fluid :( as well as some heavy bruising on the inside of her leg . Well had her to the vets and they have kept her in today going to do some xray,s on the leg the vet thinks it might be a fracture and she may have broke her leg :no: .I have to ring back at five tonight i am absolutely gutted , just got the bitch working well and this happens :cry::cry: GOOD HUNTING ALL WOODGA :ph34r:

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Guest sable

fingers crossed for you. something very simalar happened last year to a bitch of mine while rabbiting up in the dales leg filled with blood we were convinced it was broke.anyway it wasent broke in the end just a bloody nasty knock she has fully recovered after plenty of tlc.all the best mate


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fingers crossed for you. something very simalar happened last year to a bitch of mine while rabbiting up in the dales leg filled with blood we were convinced it was broke.anyway it wasent broke in the end just a bloody nasty knock she has fully recovered after plenty of tlc.all the best mate



I hope thats all it is really bonded with this dog and she deserves better :no: GOOD HUNTING ALL WOODGA :ph34r:

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