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time for me to get in shape.

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im just finishing school now so think its about time i put on a bit of muscle and got a bit fitter. were should i start. my legs arnt a big problem because i do a bit of cycling and plenty of mooching about but theres allways room for improvement! could do with building my arms and torso and putting on a bit of weight, im allmost smack on 9st now and allmost 6ft :blink: if it makes a difference. what stuff should i be doing/how much and eating etc?



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matey..........if your only 9st. and six foot, my advice would be to get some KFC down ya & maybe some Whoppers with extra fries!!! :11: :laugh: .............then keep doing this :download: :download: ;)

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all right mate i might be able to help av just qualified as a fitness instructor,


are you a member of a gym?


you should be eating plenty of bad food as it were but still mix some healthy stuff in ther and ig nore what people say about fat turning into muscle it doesnt!!!

you have to loose the fat before you gain the muscle or afterwards!


also protein is what you need not nessiderily suppliments just some decent meat and while where on a hunting website


this is full of protein!!! and as fresh as it can be especially when your dog pluks it off the field!


if you are going to be doing weights(this is the bit everyone hates) use light weights and concentrate on technique slow and controld movements using just the muscle you want not swinging into thigs etc.


you want to be doing lo numbers of reps with quite a large wieght once youve got your technique sorted!


don't forget to work opposing muscle groups aswell if you concentrate on your chest and don't work you back this can cause bad back problems!


so basically get your technique right then hit some heavy wieghts!!!!!


you want to be doing like 3 sets of 10 to start with.


any probs give me a shout mate!!!!




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Guest Side by Side

hey mate i am the same as you as i need to bulk up as i am going to be playing youth next year.....


at the moment i am 6 ft and about 13 1/2 stone.... like you i have got big powerfull legs from runiing and scrumaging... but i need to bulk up on upper body and neck.. if i am to carry on playong frount row.... but what i am doing is running, hill walking ect, and doing a bit of weights work... but for my upper body i am at the momnet just doing sit ups press ups pull ups ect traiing with my own body weight.... during the summer i will up the tempo and start doing more on the weights......


but i find that when am training alter your running routs change your routin as it gets boring....


wiht eating i am eating sensible now... now too much or too little.... enough for me.....


good luck mate hope this helps.....


happy hunting



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Some 1 told me rabbit dont have much protien in :blink: ??

any 1 else know,




I remember some tale from when I was at school that rabbits didn't have enough fat in them.

Apparently loads of the wildwest goldrush pioneers 'starved to death' from eating too mush rabbit and nothing else.


Don't know how true it is. :unsure:

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no im not a member of a gym, your not going to say to join one now are you <_< its a bit difficult as i dont drive and the closest one is a touch too far away. any exercises that i could do at home easily? weve got a treadmill but i would rather be running out side, and one of those bullworker things with the strings running down the side that you pull out if you get me :rolleyes: well atleast i dont have to loose the fat before i build the muscle up! whats the best to eat then apart from chips :sick:

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Guest sniperâ„¢

easy mate.....ROIDS.....lol joking.....


im 6"2 weighing in at 12 stone on the dot!!!!.....i dont know why but i just cant put no weight on....i eat like a bitch anything up to four meals a day with snacking in between....


again...me legs are fine and me back is pretty strong too.....i just want to get some pex 6pack and a decent set of guns.....


anyone got any ideas????





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I'm 6'5" and 19st, how do I put weight on lads? :whistle: :D


Just started boxing again, today. Feckin half-killed myself (and that was taking it easy!). Haven't hardly shifted my arse for ten years (kidney ops etc), time I got fit again :yes: I used to fight on the England full contact open styles championships and was a karate black belt, did ABA boxing, jeet kune do and muay thai kickboxing.


Now I do McDonalds, Burger King, country shows and even mooching knackers me out (still do it tho :tongue2: ). I bet it's gonna be a year before I'm back in shape (well unless you count round as a shape :ph34r: ).


Roll on! :good:

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Matty you could do worse than join a local rugby club. The pre season training which starts around 2nd week of July is usually a big help. Its what i did when i left school. Got fitter and bigger surprisingly quickly.

Cheers :good:


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