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Kit traumas!

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What a nightmare this morning! My jill keeps moving her kits – she did this last year too. She moves them from one bed area to the other in the court and she does this a few times every day but this morning she dropped one :shok: ; it bounced off two tubes and hit the floor, she then ran down, picked it up and took it into the bed area then off she went to get the rest of them. I seized the opportunity to check it, there was an inch long split on its back, a nick on its neck and quite a substantial split across its side :icon_eek::cry: . The only option I had was to rush him to the vets. They put him on a heat pad and stitched him up then put antibiotic stuff on his wounds. He has to have the antibiotic fluid on in the morning and again at night for the next week so it means disturbing the litter but luckily the jill will let my partner touch them, not me though – I get hissed at! Fingers crossed he makes it, he’s only 8 days old but I wont give up on him.

The blue colour you can see is the antibiotic fluid which is the same as the stuff they use on sheep.




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Could you not move her to smaller hutch for a bit ??

I tried that last year. Ive got the facility to lock her in the bed area she's in but she went crazy trying to get out last year when I locked her in and I thought that would be even more distressing for her, its not even as if its too small - its like a hutch inside the court, Ive just altered the amount of tubes I have in now in the hope that it doesnt happen again and ive put an exercise mat on the bottom of the court.

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A mate was on about one of his jills did this in his court, he had to move one of his bedding boxes into some shade, said he thought the jill was moving the kits to a cooler place every time the sun came out, dont know if this helps, hope so. :)

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Do you reckon she's stressed if she's moving them all the time ???

I dont think so? I honestly think its the changes in the weather. When its cold she has them in the bottom bed area and when its hotter she puts them in the top bed area which has much more ventilation. Ive moved some of the tubes so she'll have less chance of dropping them now, theres only one way in and one way out of both bed areas now as opposed to several ways. Fingers crossed eh.

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Good on you for taking it to the vet and getting it sorted out, most would think it wasnt worth it.

i was just going to say that mate but you beat me to it not many like him around is there i would have to i got 2 teir hutch but always block the bottom off when she has young ones. when it gets really hot i put some frozzen bottles of water in a sock for them seams to work for me

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