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i have just got a bitch pup(8weeks) and have been reading up about feed etc. i have decided after trying dry feed, i know i know :icon_redface: to feed her a barf diet. a lot of the advice(using the search facility) i have seen is aimed at older pups/dogs so i was wondering if you people could give me advice on what types of meat and carbs and calcium that i could feed her.

thankyou tony

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It seems to me that everyone does BARF slightly different, so i don't think that there is any right or wrong way to do it, just what suits you and more importantly your dog best. My little bitch is now about 10 months old, and has had barf diet from 8 wks. Her diet has included mainly (more than half) chicken bones/carcass, then lamb breast, tripe, minced beef, kidneys, liver, heart, rmb's, raw eggs, cottage cheese, natural yoghurt, sardines, pilchards, mackrel, blended veg (i normally buy a load of veg, blend it up, then freeze it in smaller portions), a bit of milk, brown bread, weetabix, and shock horror some dried dog food! and everyone says she looks great. Bear in mind apart from the meat the other bits she gets may be once a week or once a month. I wouldn't worry too much about exact quantities/percentages of certain food groups, i did to begin with, but you soon get the hang of it, just make sure the majority of the diet is meat and raw meaty bones, and i don't think you can go far wrong.

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If you don't want to try giving her any small bones that young, you could just give her different minced meats/chicken tripe, heart, liver until you're satisfied with giving her bones as well.


Bones are important part of the dogs diet and that is where they get their main source of calcium for strong teeth and bones, which a grafting dog is definitely going to need.

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