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ive been a sifi fan for years buddy!


its not even about moving the human race to another planet its about moving the human race to loads of other planets and not being dependent on those planets either, but being able to survive in space as well!







yeh ive wathced a bit of sci fi, wouldnt call myself a fan of sci fi, more particular series, as a rule i dont like sci fi at all lol. Im just finshing a degree in physics and last semester did a module on relativity, covering special rel and general rel, and the lecturer loved all this space travel sorta stuff so we covered all that as well, he wrote the book 'chasing relativistic rabbits'. like isaid its ambitious, especialy when you take into consideration the very very specific conditions us humans require, but never the less possible.....in theory, lol.

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amazing stuff! :clapper::clapper:


bout time we did some thing about leaving this mud ball and got out there to have a look see!


shame really cos all it would take is world peace and a single world goverment and a pooling of our resources and scientifis minds!


till that happens we will just have to get on with the day to day buiseness of killing each other and our planet! ;)





Yeh its a great dream, but do you know the reality of it? Special relativity really fucks it all up! Speed of light is a limiting velocity, no many ways around that im afraid, so even at light speed we wouldnt get anywhere interesting very fast. However if we could travel at the speed of light then we would get to our destination instantaneous, but for everyone still on earth it would take as long as if we were classically traveling at the speed of light, so a long bloody time! Thats bassically because of time dilation and length contraction because of velocities near or of that of light, and the result of that is that although the traveller could go to all these wonderfull places when he came back to tell everyone they would all probably be dead.


Of course if there was some kind of non conventional means of space travel like worm holes etc then it side steps this problem alltogether, but thats even more far fetched.



even at one G of (constant) aceleration you would be getting close to light speed pretty darn quick and who cares if every one who sent you wont be there by the time you get back at least it would have been done!


and why should worm holes, instantainious travel, F.T.L ect be far fetched?, we already know that some things that shouldnt be possible in our present understanding of the laws of physics are possible or may be possible!




:crazy: :shok::icon_eek::blink:

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If you try to read or try to reach an understanding of quantum physics all varaibles ,all realties. parrarell universes, lifes and deaths may explain why space is infinate.

just try and reason that every descision mistake you take in this life is played out in a different way

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If you try to read or try to reach an understanding of quantum physics all varaibles ,all realties. parrarell universes, lifes and deaths may explain why space is infinate.

just try and reason that every descision mistake you take in this life is played out in a different way

Steady on mate, we'll be on to string theory & quantum gravity next! :blink::laugh:

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If you try to read or try to reach an understanding of quantum physics all varaibles ,all realties. parrarell universes, lifes and deaths may explain why space is infinate.

just try and reason that every descision mistake you take in this life is played out in a different way

Steady on mate, we'll be on to string theory & quantum gravity next! :blink::laugh:


Just to carry on the thread, are there any physicists or amature astronomers among us lot? Just curious. It was astronomy/cosmology that really attracted me to physics in the first place, theres alot of boring shit, and i mean alot, but it all comes together and helps in the understanding of the much more interesting like astrophysics and cosmology.

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Just to carry on the thread, are there any physicists or amature astronomers among us lot? Just curious. It was astronomy/cosmology that really attracted me to physics in the first place, theres alot of boring shit, and i mean alot, but it all comes together and helps in the understanding of the much more interesting like astrophysics and cosmology.


Neither really mate, just like reading anything interesting to do with the sciences. I like certain aspects of physics, I can read for hours about electromagnetic bow shocks, the Jovian magnetosphere, heliospheres, etc, but I've always been to crap at maths to do anything serious with physics! :laugh: ::thumbs:

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Just to carry on the thread, are there any physicists or amature astronomers among us lot? Just curious. It was astronomy/cosmology that really attracted me to physics in the first place, theres alot of boring shit, and i mean alot, but it all comes together and helps in the understanding of the much more interesting like astrophysics and cosmology.


Neither really mate, just like reading anything interesting to do with the sciences. I like certain aspects of physics, I can read for hours about electromagnetic bow shocks, the Jovian magnetosphere, heliospheres, etc, but I've always been to crap at maths to do anything serious with physics! :laugh: ::thumbs:

How many of us are actually present in the here and now anyway? We all live in the past present with our memories of years gone by and things we have learnt that make us who we are today. Or we live in the future present with our dreams and ambitions of how great our lives will be next month, next year or when we win the lottery! We all waste our lives by doing this instead of living in the here and now and now and now. This is it this second. Time is our most perishable comodity. It's very precious. Use it and be happy :clapper:
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