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horrific attack on dogs ears

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some sick people in this world a grey :thumbdown::wallbash::wallbash: hound found in northumberland with its ears brutally cut off covered in blood its legs and mouth taped together and tied to a tree they think its ears were cut off to hide the owners identification mark i hope to god they find who it was i would personally cut his cock off and tie him to a bus extreme cruelty

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as horrific and as nasty as this story is, this situation happens all the time :thumbdown:

i wouldn't be put off tattooing your dog because of this tho, the tattoos are a good way to make a theif think twice, they can't see a microchip and a tag is very easily removed it takes only a certain type of **** to be able to be this cruel to any animal - i know we all hunt but we don't mess about with it before its dead like cutting ears off, we respect the animal we are hunting this people don't respect anything, the animal, moral views or the law its disgusting and they probably never will get caught and will most likly do it again and again


i think there should be true penalty for doing this sort of harm like bring back hanging at least these ****'s would have a second think even if it's only them selfish selves they are thinking of :censored:


lurcher lass grr

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This is a terrible reality for many racing Greyhounds at what the owners percieve to be the end of the dogs useful life


And it makes no sense whatsoever, if you no longer want an animal then hand it to someone who does there are plenty out there who will either take an animal in or have it put down in a humane manner


How someone can do such a cruel and wicked thing to a Dog that they have spent time training and in many cases has lined their pockets with cash is beyond human comprehension, they are not objects like cars which we scrap without thought at the end of their working life


It is a shame that after such a lengthy period of human evolution there are still people on this planet capable of such acts of Neanderthal barbarity

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its madness when rescues all over the place will take the dog in.Usually no qeustions asked.I was offered a beddie cross a while back and told the guy no cos i had 2 lurchers already and a lot of stuff on my plate at the time.I offered him numbers for various rescue etc and his retort im not giving it to a rescue cos she will get dressed and id rather have her pts and he did :chair::censored::wallbash::wallbash: total madness he didnt want the fecking dog anyway i took a pup a while back because someone was having her pts for widdling the floor once and she was only 13 weeks old and a diamond of a pup rehomed her myself with no major problems a clever dog smart as hell.I took a pup recently cos it was agressive :rofl: :shout: at 16 weeks old to be pts after they gave it a good kicking and the story behind that was that he had been playing on the floor unsupervised with a 15 month old baby and he scratched her apparently deliberately but how do you know that when they werent there? i have 2 kids and he was fine here no problems at all non agressive in every way saft as s**t

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This incident shouldn't put people off having their dogs tattooed. Greyhounds ears are removed so that the owner can avoid being identified and held responsible for not dealing properly with the dog once it's done racing.

The tattoos used for id purposes don't raise the same issue and it's rare for lurchers to be mutilated in this way. What the tattoo WILL do is ensure that anyone who finds your dog can locate you and return it and it's the only legal proof of ownership available (microchips aren't). Unlike chips it doesn't rely on a machine to be read - you can see it with the naked eye. So if you see someone with your dog you can prove ownership on the spot, which can be very handy.

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