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  • 2 weeks later...

So it's not just me then :clapper: Five years ago I'd just gotten an air rifle, spent the day zeroing it in etc... We had nothing in (I'd not long since met my mrs) and she was moaning about the fact when as if by magic a pair of collared doves landed on a tree in our garden. Without much thought I grabbed my rifle, shot one of them out of the kitchen window and fried it in butter and chilli. It only did a butty, but it did us 'til we went shopping. My mates thing I'm minging, but it was delicious! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
So it's not just me then :clapper: Five years ago I'd just gotten an air rifle, spent the day zeroing it in etc... We had nothing in (I'd not long since met my mrs) and she was moaning about the fact when as if by magic a pair of collared doves landed on a tree in our garden. Without much thought I grabbed my rifle, shot one of them out of the kitchen window and fried it in butter and chilli. It only did a butty, but it did us 'til we went shopping. My mates thing I'm minging, but it was delicious! :D


so do you do the whole thing or just the breasts??

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can you

boy they are like the best steak i ever tasted ummmmmmm

youll need a few though they are quite small

fry them till they go dark brown with some butter and pepper



that sounds nice, better then noise they make out side bedroom window, im of to raid conifer tree in garden where there nesting :D only joking :icon_redface:
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