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Ferret not well

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I went to feed my ferrets tonight and one of my jills is'nt right, shes very slow and lethargic and is trying to twist her head round as far as she can, i cleaned them out last night and she was running about the garage fine, anybody seen this before????

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  The one said:
I'm still thinking ears so you wont be taking it to the same guy you did for the dogs ears ???


its the wee bitch i got off you, it might be something in her ear but shes really slow and lethargic and no right at all, shes in with my neutered hob and he can be a bit rough with the bitches it might be an injury by him trying to neck her??, taking the dog to vets tomorrow so if ferrets no any better i'll let him have a look .

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One of my rats I had as a kid (pet) did that and the vet said it was to do with the ears and was called 'rye neck' or something like that its some sort of ear fluid thingy but its so long ago I cannae mind. Hope she gets better what ever it is mate.




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Well the ferret wasnt as bad tonight when i checked her after work, still no her usual bouncy self but shes not trying to twist her head around 360 degrees, i took her to the vets with the dog and she got a steroid injection and a course of antibiotics, just have to wait and see now, cheers for the replys :victory:

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Guest marco_man2

My mate stays next door to me and we both have ferret hutchs/cages out in the backgardens. They were knocking down some old building across the backs for about a week making a hell of a noise, constant drilling etc. So i kept my hutch in the house for a week (which was a nightmare, stank the house out lol) but my mate never he left his out in the back. So a few days later his ferrets werent looking right, moving slow and looking half dead. We took them down to the vet and they had to be put down, it was caused be too much stress. I hope your ferret recovers mate. All the best

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