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hello iv got a colliexgrey he 7 months old and has retreived good but the last few weeks he has been droping short about 2 or 3 yards just wondering if any one has had this problem and overcome it or if any one has got any advice


thanks lurcher

Edited by LURCHER 83
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7 months old , plenty of time to whip him into shape , just keep trying back to basics , such as a tennis ball , repeat it 2 or 3 times , not over doing it so he gets bored , then repeat it the following day ect , remembering to giving him a treat when he retreives the ball , ...


good luck ,


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a bitch of mine used to do that so i started dropping down on one knee as she came in,came right up to me each time only took half a dozen goes and that was it job done[MIGHT BE SOMETHING TO DO WITH TOWERING OVER HER TO RELIEVE HER OF THE PRIZE}

Edited by watchman
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had same trouble with mine shes alot better now but out in open spaces she pisses about with it any ideas what i can do


bez try throwing the dummy/ball and when she picks it up start jogging backwords away from her calling her name


hope this helps lurcher

Edited by LURCHER 83
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More dogs don't retrieve to hand than do imo. Sometimes my Meg' will do a near perfect retrieve but more often than not she won't. If she's had to earn her catch I think she'd rather do the lap of honour than give it up straight away. However, if it's a smelly fish of the beach dead or alive she will bring it to me with out any encouragement. Have a look at all the thousands of pictures on the websites of dogs working,....how many pic's can you remember showing the dog doing a perfect retrieve?....There are some cracking dogs on these sites and some are very good at bringing back to hand but NOT all! Enjoy your pup Lurcher83.. :victory:




I would add, dummy/ball retrieving is totally different to a live rabbit!

Edited by MikeTheDog
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must be a collie thing lads mine colliexgray is 15 month old and still wont bring back to hand if i throw a ball or dummie he will run up to it and run right past it stop then lay down no matter what i do he will not bring it back and when im out on the lamp with him when he gets a bunnie he will kill it then drop it and lay down away from it but when i call on him if will come back but with out the rabbit. keeps me fit tho running across feilds after the rabbits

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More dogs don't retrieve to hand than do imo. Sometimes my Meg' will do a near perfect retrieve but more often than not she won't. If she's had to earn her catch I think she'd rather do the lap of honour than give it up straight away. However, if it's a smelly fish of the beach dead or alive she will bring it to me with out any encouragement. Have a look at all the thousands of pictures on the websites of dogs working,....how many pic's can you remember showing the dog doing a perfect retrieve?....There are some cracking dogs on these sites and some are very good at bringing back to hand but NOT all! Enjoy your pup Lurcher83.. :victory:




I would add, dummy/ball retrieving is totally different to a live rabbit!



thanks mike

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must be a collie thing lads mine colliexgray is 15 month old and still wont bring back to hand if i throw a ball or dummie he will run up to it and run right past it stop then lay down no matter what i do he will not bring it back and when im out on the lamp with him when he gets a bunnie he will kill it then drop it and lay down away from it but when i call on him if will come back but with out the rabbit. keeps me fit tho running across feilds after the rabbits


yes it might be a collie thing p***y i have seen a few colliex that havent been that intreasted in dummys or balls



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