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Guest flapper

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i've just read this post!! i can't believe how far people have taken this!!


i haven't been on hunting life long so i'm not backing up a side or standing up for a buddy before anyone thinks this is the case, i'm neutral in this completly


from what i understand a man set up a new topic asking for photo's for his website, this website is discribed as advertising working pups for sale, stud dogs, ferreting equipment and a second hand section for lamping quipment etc, he has stated that he will do his best to stop puppy dealing - which anyone with an ounce of common sense shall understand that this is incredibly difficult to do and that organisations such as the kennel club, dog trust and the police struggle struggle to control


we as the hunting community should be asking questions and be intriged about a site that could potentially benefit us, i know i'm not the only one keeping an eye out for a decent lamp going second hand lol or a newbie should like the idea of getting a ferret locator possibly cheaper


be honest with your self, this website could be really bloody useful, its similar to the adverts in the countrymans weekly, some pups are bred by genuine breeders others are by very selfish irresponsible idiots! puppy dealers will always be around its a sad fact of life, in all honesty you can't stop a website going on incase it brings in puppy dealers to advertise, there are many websites and magazines and even yellow pages that puppy farms advertise, a novise will always have to be careful but once experience plays on your side you'll be able to read the advert properly and get an idea, then should you choose to ring you can make another judgement there,


regarding the photo side of things if you don't want photo's of your dog o there tell this chap so but there is nothing wrong with being POLITE it goes a very long way sometimes, should you want your dog on this web then tell him, if you just have something with no value to write, that just takes up space and wastes peoples time in reading then common sense don't write it

and its not worth making accusations on someone, if you have your real genuine doubts then report if you know its not true then don't bother writing oi, name calling is pointless too


all the best lurcher lass


p.s when this site is up and running please pm i'd be interested to give it a look

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so come on what has age got to do with anything.


I suppose he asked because you are talking like a 13 year old..........I am afraid that I am no gangster, 5"3 and 9 stone not very gangsterish is it :D


Dont try and make out your something your not, you are looking to make money off the back of litters of puppys........FACT!


IMHO, money and dogs are a bad mixture and I am free to say so in any way I see fit.........

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Guest Catcher
thanks for taking time to write that it was heart wrenching lol. thnks



flapper your well named mate you bite every time.atb.catcher ? Do you own pidgeons :whistling:

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if you ever want to meet up i will show you how gifted i am. man of little words big actions.


Surely a big fella like you wouldnt want to pick on a midget like me?.........your not one of them gangsters are you?



TBH, starting all that nonsense is a bit silly aint it?.........whatever, I am pretty clear in my mind what your new site will be about so thats it really.

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£2000 for a website? I'd expect it to walk and train the dogs for that, not just sell them- what features have you put on it? PM me and I'll have a look but I know facebook-esque sites packed with features being developed for under £500.


Also you can't use pictures because they're "public domain", that's why there are stock photo companies supplying photos along with rights to use them. Public domain is a different concept to "published". Make sure you get an email from anyone supplying photos stating that they own the rights to the pics and give you permission to use them.

Not having a pop there Flapper, just trying to save you a headache later on.

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