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Guest flapper

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ive yet to see a decent litter of dogs that need "advertising" through any web based media...... simply it will trun into a peddlers place to sell to newbies and idiots on the pretence that they are not pets but "working" dogs.



I disagree... I only hunt with one lad,I had a litter and kept one for me and my friend the rest where surplus so i advetised them to sell them.. And they are quality pups all the lads who bought them where happy and have kept in touch. not everyone has a large network of friends and geniun litters will be sold.. I think your satement is laughable my bitch was advetised i bought her and shes a decent bitch put more than plenty of game to bed.. I Advertised my litter and will give anyone there money back if they dont make the grade...


A dogs a tool of the trade there must be a market place for them...


And for the record i dont buy and sell dogs Just relise there is supply and demand for them..

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I cant get my head around this post all a lad wants to do is set a decent site up for genuine dog lads wanting to buy a dog but wat about the stud dogs as well wer do you contact them if you are like me keep mi sen to mi sen wer do you look [bANNED TEXT] his site gets up and running i for one will be having a look atvb poacher3161

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Fcuking bully boy tactics. this is what i meen by the same old clique . At it again. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

No bully boy tactics ...if you go back and read all the posts it has been a good debate with some good points put accross but no threats which I would call bully boy tactics .....if eveyone was to agree these sites would be very boring indeed ....as for Winkhound he keeps decent dogs and breeds not for money but to get a better standard of dog in his yard.....I travelled 900 miles last month to line a bitch of mine with a dog of his ...the parents in there day were both at the top of there game so hopefully they will produce decent pups not guarenteed but breeding from good stock hightens the chances ....I have not advertised the pups I didnt need to all were spoken for before the mateing and I could of sold pups 3 times over but no money will change hands imo the way it should be .

Stabba its not a clique just lads from up and down the country with high standards and morals whos main aim to work decent grafters.

Flapper dont try and take everyone as a fool youve infested 2 k into the project so your main agenda is to make a profit back ...good luck with your site but dont try and pull the wool over our eyes and say that its going to be benifitial to working dogs .

Its like kc dog where do these people get there prices from lasa apsos £400 yorkies £400 great danes £700 dont tell me they are breeding for the good of the breed ....no they are breeding purely for the £££££££££££££....and working dogs are going the same way .....It will be interesting to see how many litters of chocolate patterdales are advertised for £300 of working parents :whistling: on your site .

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Guest flapper

Im so glad you have all aired you different views. if i do make a few quid out of providing a GOOD service so what as long as i keep on top or at laest try to keep on top of the dealers i will be a great site. where else can you find a list of lurcher stud dogs, jack russel studs labs lakeland, salukis whippets spaniels etc etc on the same page.

Also i have a section for selling unwanted lamps ferreting gear dog and ferret food kennels and runs etc etc. for working people

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Guest Catcher
Fcuking bully boy tactics. this is what i meen by the same old clique . At it again. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

No bully boy tactics ...if you go back and read all the posts it has been a good debate with some good points put accross but no threats which I would call bully boy tactics .....if eveyone was to agree these sites would be very boring indeed ....as for Winkhound he keeps decent dogs and breeds not for money but to get a better standard of dog in his yard.....I travelled 900 miles last month to line a bitch of mine with a dog of his ...the parents in there day were both at the top of there game so hopefully they will produce decent pups not guarenteed but breeding from good stock hightens the chances ....I have not advertised the pups I didnt need to all were spoken for before the mateing and I could of sold pups 3 times over but no money will change hands imo the way it should be .

Stabba its not a clique just lads from up and down the country with high standards and morals whos main aim to work decent grafters.

Flapper dont try and take everyone as a fool youve infested 2 k into the project so your main agenda is to make a profit back ...good luck with your site but dont try and pull the wool over our eyes and say that its going to be benifitial to working dogs .

Its like kc dog where do these people get there prices from lasa apsos £400 yorkies £400 great danes £700 dont tell me they are breeding for the good of the breed ....no they are breeding purely for the £££££££££££££....and working dogs are going the same way .....It will be interesting to see how many litters of chocolate patterdales are advertised for £300 of working parents :whistling: on your site .



At last.We agree on something MOO breeding dogs just to make a few quid :censored: Most owners on this site never have and never will.When i breed its to keep a good bloodline going.And by the way have you been peeking at my comments.atb.catcher

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ive yet to see a decent litter of dogs that need "advertising" through any web based media...... simply it will trun into a peddlers place to sell to newbies and idiots on the pretence that they are not pets but "working" dogs.



I disagree... I only hunt with one lad,I had a litter and kept one for me and my friend the rest where surplus so i advetised them to sell them.. And they are quality pups all the lads who bought them where happy and have kept in touch. not everyone has a large network of friends and geniun litters will be sold.. I think your satement is laughable my bitch was advetised i bought her and shes a decent bitch put more than plenty of game to bed.. I Advertised my litter and will give anyone there money back if they dont make the grade...


A dogs a tool of the trade there must be a market place for them...


And for the record i dont buy and sell dogs Just relise there is supply and demand for them..



A decent bitch advertised in local paper over 3 years ago........




Proven worker and game taker :clapper:


ive yet to see....................................!!!


you payed your money, and took your chance and from what you wrote have done well foryourself...... i however would rather not pay my money and take less of a chance (not becuase of teh money, becuase of the breeding)


i did say some litter will be sold if there are high numbers, but the majority of litters of good quailty will be wanted before thier even born, alot of cases before the bitch is even put to.these litters speak for themselves.


maybe there is a market needed for buying and selling dogs, do sites like this not fill this criteria, atleast you can get some back ground on teh dogs etc. as ive said where a demand is created there will be LOTS of muppetts ready to fill it, the quality will go out the window and the quantity will increase when the ££greedy££ want to be fed. they do alot here to try and stamp out peddlers, and by the sounds of things flapper is keen to do the same, but there is NO way that ther parenatge or quality of the pups can be known apart from on the owners say so, which lets face it, is normally alot further from the truth than it needs to be....... so in all honesty to me these are nowt more than pets that do "abit" that get passed off as working dogs for the £££, something that reallly really grinds my piss!!

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Guest flapper

when people breed to keep a bloodline what happens when the bitch has more than you have sold. what happens then?? Its a load of b#ll#cks people advertis whats left of the litter. so all you people that have bought dogs have never bought a dog from an advert form anywhere. :realmad: of course yu have w#nkers

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youve invested £2000 its a business so what 99% of websites are in some way or another you won't stop puppy peddleing no matter what you do and they will advertise on your site .But they advertise everywhere

on a up turn it could be a good thing for new people who are looking to getinto hunting and want some where to turn to have a look at what is on offer .

it may be a good thing to have some sort of feed back thing for people to leave after they have viewed there pup and its parents that way the policeing of the pups is done for you if there not in as good state or are a massive kennels you would know about it

i think a hunting website with alsorts for sale would be a good thing ie if you but catagres for many items not just dogs

these are just my views

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i already said that flapper, i have alos said excess can be given away to people with teh same standards as you.


and no flapper the flapper, i have never bought a dog from an advert.

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Guest flapper

Thanks moon shine, there are alsort of things for sale and a section for wanted, im trying to get a website up and running for the working man who indeed works there dogs not some scam to earn thousands. people pay a builder to build a hous or tesco for a loaf of bread They are providing a service just like im trying to do, with the least bit of hasstle. Thats all.

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Guest Catcher
when people breed to keep a bloodline what happens when the bitch has more than you have sold. what happens then?? Its a load of b#ll#cks people advertis whats left of the litter. so all you people that have bought dogs have never bought a dog from an advert form anywhere. :realmad: of course yu have w#nkers



One 1994 collie x best dog i ever owned.catcher

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