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well iv ended up being stuck with one of my pups out the litter

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well iv ended up being stuck with one of my pups out the litter what my dogs had because the person hasent come to pick it up and i just wondered if any one has any good tricks and tips to make the little fecker stop chewing . my other dogs was no where near as bad as this pup when thay was his age so if any of use have a tips to give me it would really help me out because its chewing up all me furniture in my bedroom lol ;) it has loads of toys but it just gets bored of them after about 1 min then chews everythink else in sight

Edited by csme55ex
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You could try the bite stop spray but some dogs take no notice of that :D

Another thing you can try which has worked for me is to buy a jar of the hottest curry/chilli paste you can find and brush it onto the legs of the furniture that the pup is chewing. Your room will smell like a curry house but it should sto the pup chewing, unless it is into vindaloo of course :clapper:


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lol yer i see a pic on here of that stuff been chewed up by a dog so i tyhought it must not be any good and yer thats a good idear about the curry and i wouldent mind my room smelling of it if it will end up stoping him chewing everythink cheers for the info mate :thumbs:

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Pups ussually chew prominent things,corners on skirting/posts/legs,so you should know the likely spots,what i do is use the liquid designed to stop people biting their nails,

tastes awful and perfectly safe,ive had good results with it,just make sure to re-coat every week.

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Supervise him all the time. When he chews something he shouldn't a sharp no and a clap of the hands, then offer him appropriate toys to distract him. Crate him when you can't supervise him but make sure you give him something to chomp on: a kong stuffed with goodies, a meaty bone etc.


I would also invest on one of those treat balls you can get at pet supply places, make sure it's one with an adjustable opening. Put his biscuit in that and let him roll it round to get the food out. It'll occupy him for ages.

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