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Landmark Pest Control Ferrets

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just wondering if any of you ferreters have got any ferrets from James Bradley of landmark pest control (coney catcher lines).

If you have how are you getting on with them and are you happy with them, i myself have two jills and a hob and i am realy pleased

with them many thanks :victory:

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  Rytex10 said:
just wondering if any of you ferreters have got any ferrets from James Bradley of landmark pest control (coney catcher lines).

If you have how are you getting on with them and are you happy with them, i myself have two jills and a hob and i am realy pleased

with them many thanks :victory:



do they differ in some way to any other ferret then :hmm:

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James Bradley is the chap that does the Rabbiting dvds such as `A fistfull of ferrets etc`

he often advertises his ferrets in the countrymans weekly and advertisers them as

coney catcher lines which he carried on from Phil Lloyd i was told. many thanks

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Yeah i thought he would of been on here, i think i payed around a tenner for each which you might think is a bit much

but i think it was reasonably, they have turned out to be some of the best ferrets i have ever owned just wanted to know if any body else

had some and if they were as happy with theres as i am with mine thanks

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Nah, a tenners not a bad price mate, was expecting you to say something like £30! :laugh:


Most ferrets work in pretty much the same way, I believe that 90% of ferrets will do the same job if they're shown enough rabbit holes. ;)

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  rabbit tourmentor said:
in my mind unless the line of ferrets are smaller then theres nothing differnt in working abillitie by the way james bradley is on here as blinddate tryed to by some ferrets of him but he never answered his phone


Hi Rabbit Tourmentor


sorry i missed your call but was moving house......just try again but currnetly working 7 days a week.....why because this is the time of year we get the most calls for rabbiting....and also been finishing off latest DVD (all done now thank god except for the cover)....pm me your number and I will call you back soon.


Anyway back to the original post, yes Frank and Jimmy breed a few litters each year, (sadly Jimmy is getting on and has not been well....I don't think he will ever be ferreting again and we did not think he would se the winter out.....so no more ferrets from him I suspect) and I have a few....we often get calls from enthusiasts who have seen the dvds etc or who want unrelated new stock....often end up "giving them away" espiecally to lads who travel far....bit of a piss take to rip them off if they have spent a pile of cash on desiel!!

interestingly nearly everyone only wants black eyed bitches and alot of the lads and lasses come back every few years....which is good and i have made some good contacts this way....one or two now come rabbiting with me!!


Profit wise does anyone make money out of ferrets....i doubt it, the price of the ads/ time spent soon adds up.... just good to find some good homes for the kits and help a few lads out....and jimmy normally re invests his few dollars in bootlegged rolling tobacco whist frank is on the phone to bridport nets for more twine LOL!!


Not all ferrets work well but i have always beleived best to breed from your best workers and this can only increase your chances of good kits.....but as we all know that does not always work out!!!


Speak soon RT


All the best



Edited by blinddate
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