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your probably not aiming in the right place. HEADSHOTS ONLY.

i always shoot them in the head,, its just a weak air rifle


Don't even aim it at live quarry then,


I'm guessing you are only young but surely you must realise that you can't go around injuring animals and then brag about it on an open forum, ffs

That's the last thing our sport needs. :wallbash:


Your Rifle killed one rabbit, so it's obviously not the power of the rifle that is the problem, what is your grouping like on targets? what distance are you shooting from?


If your not confident of being able to dispatch your quarry DON'T shoot at it.

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Hi Luke,

What exactly is the problem with your rifle ?

If it has a weak spring then it should be replaced with a new one

Is your rifle zeroed to a specific distance ? How are your pellet groups ? and at what distance are you best grouping at ?

If for instance your best groupings are inside a 20 mm circle at 25 yards then that is your max distance.

Looking at your kill (pictured) well done.... but where did you aim and hit this rabbit as i don't see any blood.

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thanks magpie, its a old rifle so its lacking power, my dad said get a new spring aswell, so i might, i have zero'd it, although it might be a few mm off, its pretty much spot on from 25 yrds,. i wouldnt take a shot longer than 25yrds now, thats my limit. and i shot it right between the eyes ....





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shot my first rabbit on tuesday night, shot about 4 but they dont die,must be my crap airrifle lol, but am well chuffed :D ....



Well young man if you feel your rifle isnt up to the job then please dont shoot at live quarry until its sorted :wallbash: . happy for you that you got your first rabbit but true hunters show respect to their quarry. keep that in mind when ever you want to take a shot. in the mean time get some practice with your gun you want a grouping the size of a 10p at 35 yards, and check your aim point at different distance. ;)

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Guest traceyg

Well done lad bet you felt great i know my lad did when he got his first bunny :clapper: But not as good as me when i was out alone and the dog got one :victory: I was well chuffed . But get your gun sorted and hope you get many more bunny's :good:

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