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Well i cant really moan as im in a new relationship and everythings fuking fantastic at the moment :icon_redface:


Were still in that 'doing it everywhere and anywhere' period. :tongue2:


She is nice,polite,educated and seems very level headed,probably wont last much longer as she is way out of my league to be honest :laugh:


Still,its about enjoying each others company and having good times together ,isn't it? :boogie:

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If it haddnt been for women none of you lot would be here moaning :tongue2:



takes two kay.............. ;):D






i think............





it takes two to MAKE a baby, but we already know who does the lions share of raising and training and caring for the children! and it aint the men! damn few anyway!




as for fighting and making up.... i've always said there is no such thing as a perfect relationship where no one fights. if you've never gotten into an argument with your significant other then just wait. its coming!

when you dont argue it usually means someone is giving in and tolerating something they hate because they dont want to hurt someones feelings. one day that powder keg is going to blow and you'll be sitting there (without most of your stuff) wondering what the f*ck happened! "they never used to get angry about this or that!?"

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