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whats the best way to set out dead crows

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i have been setting out my crows randomly in a tight pattern[1 metre apart] and was wondering is there a better way to do it. and if i was to set a few on the ground with there wings open would thet help or hinder.

Edited by shottyscotty
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i have been setting out my crows randomly in a tight pattern[1 metre apart] and was wondering is there a better way to do it. and if i was to set a few on the ground with there wings open would thet help or hinder.

no set way really.

its all about what works on the day.

hard birds to decoy are crows.

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i have been setting out my crows randomly in a tight pattern[1 metre apart] and was wondering is there a better way to do it. and if i was to set a few on the ground with there wings open would thet help or hinder.


in my limited experience if you leave the shot ones out the others circle high above but often out of range, however if you set them up like they are eating with yuor other deeks (including pigeons) it brings them into land and once commiting to land they are are prey buti gfound camou to be crutial any uncovered skin will be spotted so stay well down behind the net until they are close then pop up and bang! :victory:

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yeah your right i always use gloves and face mask when shooting crows


i was using a 3 hole balclava but i just got a realtree viel and what a difference and some realtree gloves to match today so cant wait to try it out.


i got a decoy crow and maggie the other day nothing fancy just basic plastic painted jobbers. but i was wondering whats the best way to set them with my pigeon deeks on a grass paddock frequently flown over and roosted round by pigeon rooks maggies etc to bring them in both for the airgun and the s/s?

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well iwould set the crows as close as you can bring them as they are tough birds so closed range is best and the pigeons i would set out randomly with biggish gaps in the pattern to give them room to land.. there are some videos on youtube of guys using popup hides and thats what they do and its seems to work.

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