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well got bought some hens go two hyibrids a partage silky and a salmon foverlltee think that how you spell it lol. and the roaster is a wellsummer . going to try and hatch the hyibrid crosses and keep hens for laying and cockerls for the table hopfully buy some fertily eggs over the internet to try out some crosses.

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Guest oldskool

i got a couple of light sussex hens and a rhode island red, or so i'm told... i recently got an old english rooster (again, so i was told) but no magic has happened yet :)


i'll get a few pics up soon... the hens are laying well, i have 3 hens and everyday i usually get an egg or 2

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  oldskool said:
i got a couple of light sussex hens and a rhode island red, or so i'm told... i recently got an old english rooster (again, so i was told) but no magic has happened yet :)


i'll get a few pics up soon... the hens are laying well, i have 3 hens and everyday i usually get an egg or 2




the rooster is not big anuf to mate with them hens maybe if there lg fowl

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Guest oldskool

is an old english rooster supposed to be a small bird??? because this hoor is massive :laugh:



he is treadin the hens ok but they are not clockin the eggs??? one of them only clocked for 3 days at most

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I've had a brood of spanish game birds already this year,10 chicks from 11 eggs so you should be getting some hens go broody really at this time of year.My doves are on there 3rd lot of chicks as well,forgot to say my game bird chcks are a month old thereabouts now.

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