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saluki bull greyhound

Guest ferret feller

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Guest ferret feller



im interested in seeing a few saluki/bull x greyhounds..... and hearing from people who own or see them working :whistling:


id imagine theyd be quite a handy cross :gunsmilie:


chears :big_boss:

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anyone else?










This is my bitch at 8 months old ish when i first got her.Shes a contrary little cowbag at times but very very nice dog never leaves my side great with th kids and the other pets Great with any other dog as long as it doesnt challenge her or all hell breaks loose.Shed stand up to an elephant if you let her.Shes 1/4 bull 1/4 saluki and half grey.Shes had a few things and doesnt mess about she retireves to hand and wont drop it tilltold to

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Cant really fault mine at all.Shes a bit fiery at times but does what shes told of late.When i first got her she used to think where she was was hers in the park for eg if anyone tried to come in shed chase them out little swine.I have managed to cure that little affliction and shes allowed to sniff other dogs but if they sniff her and she doesnt know them she can growl and grump.Shes very determined and very commited to what ever she puts herself too.

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