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weihrauch hw90 strip and lube

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hi all i just put my hw90 back together after a good clean up,i bought silicone grease for the o/rings never replaced any parts just good clean and lube.well i got the chrono out after charging it up first shot 32lb 2nd shot 31.8lb 3rd 4th 28lb 567 24lb 22lb 18lb now after 10 shots is ageraging 14lb i asume its been ignighting the lube and is now seteling down,i will try again tomorow night before releasing any air,what it averaging and if still 14lb will give it a quick release of air to get it down to 12lb,i couldnt believe 32lb its knocking fare depth into 3" timber that im firing into for test shots with chrono.before i get any coments i know i cant spell to save my life.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
32 ft/lb are you raising the bullshite flag :D


He doesn't appear to have any reason to lie about it. And he doesn't mention anything to do with defecating cows either or flags.


I don't realy know what could be causing the increase in power. Is it still high? Could be your chrono that is dodgy i guess. Best bet is to take it to you local gunshop and see if they can test it for you and see what they get. Then they will be able to help you with sorting out the power if it is high aswell.





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  • 3 weeks later...

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