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When setting eggs under a broody iv always blocked the hen on the nest and let her off twice a day to empty, eat and drink. Iv set my broody on pot eggs on monday then swapped em for real eggs yesteray. The proplem is she hasnt eaten, had a drink or emptied whenever iv let her off, she just fights to get back on the nest. Iv now just left the front of the nest box open to allow her freedom to food and water.

Have I done the right thing? Do I need to worry shes not eaten etc?

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I had the same problem. A farmer told me to let the hens sit there, if you just remove them they still won't eat.


I put a bowl of chicken feed and water (plus a few fresh greens) next to her and she did eat and drink.


Its horrible when they don't move from there eggs, but they have been doing this for a long!!


Hope this helps a bit.





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You dont need to lock her in but each evening lift her off the next take her outside and with your arms held out move her quite quickly up and down about 6-8 times. This will get things moving and she will do a smelly big poo usually! She would then normally go for a some food and a drink then return back to the nest a few minutes later.

She will settle down after a few days - as a matter of interest what breed is she?

Hope this helps


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You dont need to lock her in but each evening lift her off the next take her outside and with your arms held out move her quite quickly up and down about 6-8 times. This will get things moving and she will do a smelly big poo usually! She would then normally go for a some food and a drink then return back to the nest a few minutes later.

She will settle down after a few days - as a matter of interest what breed is she?

Hope this helps



I tried this before I posted but it didnt work at the time. But iv just got back from work and she has been off and eaten, drunk etc so im just going to leave front off nest box now and let her do her own thing. We used to lock the broodys on then let them out and tether them next to water food etc as we had so many but as iv only got one now I cant see any benefit to locking her on. Its been a long time since I did any rearing with broodys.


To be honest I dont know what breed she is, bit of everything, I only borrowed her to hatch these eggs. Shes sat on 8 aseel eggs, so I dont want it to go wrong!!


Thanks for the advice, Ian.

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