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idiots walking dogs

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Why not try and socialise your dogs properly?

I have had working patts, fells, lakelands all fine with other dogs. :whistling:


you are full of shit get out there and work your dogs instead of talking pish


Im sure my dogs get worked a hell of a lot more than yours pal, :clapper:

just look how often your on here!!!!

im retired now so dig to the dogs at least 5 days a week :big_boss:

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i agree althoe i no my bitch wont do any damage at the moment she is still abit playfull and wants to get her nose in and she just shows off i walk her off the lead in apropret places but if i see people walkin i call her in to my side but any other dog i put on the lead as you say you dont no what either dog is going to be like

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My dogs would respond if attacked, but not if a loose dog just comes up sniffing/barking.

No, and neither would mine, but its the unpredictability of the not knowing what might happen.

Yep I agree with you :victory:

just dont like some people who have savage, under socialised dogs using the fact that they work as an excuse.

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I used to walk a young bull terrier on a disused rail track, straight and see for miles. A horsey type old bag let her standard poodle run about 200 hundred yards and set about the pup, she did f**k all my dog was on the lead and thought it was great but did not really know what to do thankfully. A month or two later she lets it run over and knock me off the bike as i am excersing the dog, same carry on. Final time the dog is grown and knows whats what and would destroy her daft poodle, i see her about 200 yards away and start shouting to put her dog on the leash, she takes no notice of course. I end up picking my dog up while he goes berserk and the poodle jumps up and down snapping. When she eventually saunters up i explode " Every time i see you this happens, if you were a bloke i would f*****g spark you", she replies "Piss off" and hits me in the face with the dog lead she carrys but never f*****g uses. She had a smug grin on her face and i was f*****g steaming, could not even speak with rage and had to walk away before i did something i would regret but she will never know how close her and her stupid dog came to getting left in a ditch.

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Guest Catcher
just wondrein if this has happened to anyone else and god is it a feckinnoying .was taking my two lurchers 1 a bullx the other a wheatonx and i also had my pat bitch who is a bit any how when it comes to strange dogs a walk around the local woodlands when i spotted two women walking there dogs one was a boxer an the other was a heinz 57 any way got all my dogs on the lead as you do dont you well not these they just keep walking towards me when in earshot i shout to them to get there dogs on the lead as my terrier is a bit anyhow this they ignored and next minute there dogs just come walking up to mine with me doing my best to keep my terrier away from there dogs the two women just carry on as if nothing saying arh isnt the little one cute while im still trying to move her round cuz she not happy havin to street mongrels sniffin her arse all the time am gettin angrier cause these two bimbos are thicker than there dogs in the end i let my pat give the heinz 57 a bit ofa nip an still they never had the sense to put them on leads needless to say i lost my temper telling them that they shouldnt have dogs if not going watch thm at one point felt like letting them all go i spose they would of got them on the leads then with two lurchers sticking there pennys worth in :censored:



Hi mate you did every thing right.You saw the outher dogs coming .So you put your dogs on the lead as most good hunting men would do.You gave the owners of the outher dogs propper warnimg.if they choose to ignore it any thing that may have happehed is down to them.atb catcher :notworthy:

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haahh i dont mind it, cooper is on heat and wants to root any thing i get him to f**k their dogs ahah, thay tell me to goaway insted ROFl hahahaha teaches them not to let their dog near the horny whippet :)

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So is it dogs off leads that annoys you? not sure what you are getting at?


Do you not understand the English language.



Not when there is no punctuation and there is no form to the paragragh. Just like your statement, or is it a question?

You obviously would understand, as you have no idea how to use punctuation either.

Edited by Richie10
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Why not try and socialise your dogs properly?

I have had working patts, fells, lakelands all fine with other dogs. :whistling:

my dogs are socialised mate ive got 5 dogs of my own plus i go out with other dog lads an theres never been a problem just dont like fecking idiots that dont watch there own dogs an socialise theres so next time think about it a bit before trying to slag folks dogs off mine are as good as next mans but they wont stand there and let another dog have a go at them and nor will i :victory:

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