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dog licencing

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i am what some would say a chav i have a rotty that is here to look after my little sister look after house yet she is harmless onest big teddy bear lol all the kids on my eastate nock on the door and ask to play with roxy onest she loves kids and i have had staffys pitts akitas and have all being the same its how they are brought up

i agree its nothing to do with the breed its how they are braught up and treated as a pup.

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i am what some would say a chav i have a rotty that is here to look after my little sister look after house yet she is harmless onest big teddy bear lol all the kids on my eastate nock on the door and ask to play with roxy onest she loves kids and i have had staffys pitts akitas and have all being the same its how they are brought up

i agree its nothing to do with the breed its how they are braught up and treated as a pup.

I agreee to. :tongue2:

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i am what some would say a chav i have a rotty that is here to look after my little sister look after house yet she is harmless onest big teddy bear lol all the kids on my eastate nock on the door and ask to play with roxy onest she loves kids and i have had staffys pitts akitas and have all being the same its how they are brought up

LMFAO superb mate (i am what some would say a chav) f*cking brilliant :clapper::clapper::victory:

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I think with problem dogs and i'm not talking just the banned breeds ..lurchers ex racing greys and staffies included ..you should have to prove by attending courses to get your license that you are a fit and proper person to own a dog. Every dog owner by law should have their dogs spayed unless they have an extension to their license to breed and by having that license need to prove they are fit people to breed their dogs. I'm not talking extortionate costs for this. I also think it should be compulsory for anyone with a criminal record (apart from the trivial motoring offenses) should be banned for a compulsary period of time from keeping these breeds,


What a load of b*****ks.Just my opinion.

Everyone's entitled to an opinion ...i'm just p1ssed off when i've been to a dog shelter that rehomes animals and nigh on every effing dog is a lurcher/ greyhound type or a staffie or staffie x type and the ones that are picked up roaming around are in a disgusting state of health. Whats your answer to this problem ? or don't you see it as being a problem

make micro chipping compulsary from the breeder and then change all details over to the new owner on purchase they will have a record for live its a one payment thing and once its there its there no getting away from it

but no matter what you do there will be probs happen in peoples lives and they will need to rehome there pets

if the rehomeing centers made it easer to rehome the dogs there would be far fewer in them

JMO all the best

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Guest fence_hopper
I think with problem dogs and i'm not talking just the banned breeds ..lurchers ex racing greys and staffies included ..you should have to prove by attending courses to get your license that you are a fit and proper person to own a dog. Every dog owner by law should have their dogs spayed unless they have an extension to their license to breed and by having that license need to prove they are fit people to breed their dogs. I'm not talking extortionate costs for this. I also think it should be compulsory for anyone with a criminal record (apart from the trivial motoring offenses) should be banned for a compulsary period of time from keeping these breeds,


maybe in the perfect world mate!! never going to happen theres a little black toof scum a couple of doors down, never done a days work in his life lets 8 lurchers and a rotweiler run around in the garden, fighting, stinking of sh*t, breeding, he cant even look after him self but thats the way this country works. I think dogs aint the problem it's the dole bums there aload to breed as much as they like that one family in my street that lad belongs too from the 2 perents that origanily moved here both never worked a day in there life have now produced 14 all jobless never want to work a day in there life and never will. why don't the goverment sort this out? also never going to happen... sorry about the moaning this counrty depresses me what the f@@k we got to look forward to nothing gets done its all words nothing else come to are country we'll give you a job a nice house bring your hole familie we'll pay for them too

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Guest jt750

"make micro chipping compulsary from the breeder and then change all details over to the new owner on purchase they will have a record for live its a one payment thing and once its there its there no getting away from it

but no matter what you do there will be probs happen in peoples lives and they will need to rehome there pets

if the rehomeing centers made it easer to rehome the dogs there would be far fewer in them

JMO all the best"


Compulsary micro chipping from breeders i'm impressed ...Onus on the last registered owner to be responsible for the dog similar to cars ?

Edited by jt750
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"make micro chipping compulsary from the breeder and then change all details over to the new owner on purchase they will have a record for live its a one payment thing and once its there its there no getting away from it

but no matter what you do there will be probs happen in peoples lives and they will need to rehome there pets

if the rehomeing centers made it easer to rehome the dogs there would be far fewer in them

JMO all the best"


Compulsary micro chipping from breeders i'm impressed ...Onus on the last registered owner to be responsible for the dog similar to cars ?


Who would police this and who would pay for it to be policed???

Also a new chip can be put in over on old one. Would never work.


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Good idea. It used to be that way.

Unworkable today I'm afraid.


Re the comment: "i have a rotty that is here to look after my little sister look after house yet she is harmless onest big teddy bear lol all the kids on my eastate nock on the door and ask to play with roxy onest she loves kids and i have had staffys pitts akitas and have all being the same its how they are brought up" !


Dogs are bred to do certain things, be it course hunt retrieve or fight.

I would never let my children play with someone elses dog!

Dogs like humans cannot be trusted 100% Rottys, dobermans and fighting dogs are notoriously unstable especially when left unatended. Kids don't know the dog as well as the owner......A recipe for disaster in my view.


But hey what do I know?






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i am what some would say a chav i have a rotty that is here to look after my little sister look after house yet she is harmless onest big teddy bear lol all the kids on my eastate nock on the door and ask to play with roxy onest she loves kids and i have had staffys pitts akitas and have all being the same its how they are brought up



Havent read the whole thread but this post just jumped out and hit me as to a serious problem with todays young dog owners.....now chavs i am led to believe are youngsters....under 20,s ?......so what has an under 20 year old lad been doing owning at least 4 different breeds of dog ?...thats if to say he,s not bullshitting......why ?...were they not hard enough ? did they not look quite mean enough.....how f*****g ridiculous...get a dog and bond with it it will give you back what you give to him dont keep for a few months and then bin it

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The people to police this would be the people responsible for lost and abused animals of course..Tell me who would put a chip over the old one and why ..


OK so Mr Chav has his staffie bitch bred to his mates staffie dog down the road, puppies arrive, he sells the puppies to anyone willing to pay the money regardless of the fate of the dogs or the suitablity of the owners.

Who exactly is going to make sure the pups are chipped? Will their be an inspector calling at every house in the UK where a litter of pups is being sold? It is a pipe dream and unworkable.


As for putting a chip over another one several reasons including.........To hide the identity of a chipped dog, put a new chip in and the scanner will pick the new one up 9 times out of 10.

Another unsinister reason would be as in the case of one of my dogs the chip has migrated down to his sternum. The only way to pick it up is to put the scanner facing up in between his two front legs! If he went missing and was picked up by the dog warden, that chip would never be picked up.


Edited by Irish Setter
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If thousands of people can drive cars without a license, what hope have they got trying to enforce dog licenses?



totally agree with you................but isn't the license enforced in Ireland?

don't they have to were a little tag on there collar??

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