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Fox and mink.

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Went to check out a field for some pigeon decoying the other day. It was dead calm, clear and sunny. When I entered the field I didnt see one pigeon but spotted a fox out sunning himself to the right of the field on a brow. I dropped my jacked and binoculars and took off down the ditch at a steady pace. He never even woke an Eley Olypic Trap 28gr 7 1/2 to the head. Afterwards feeling rather pleased :D I sat hidden in the top corner of the field on pigeon watch. After half an hour or so something caught my eye in the bottom corner of the field. Two mink. I didnt even know I could run that fast!!! Down and straight into the river. BANG BANG. But just got the one :icon_redface: All in all a productive hour or so and just goes to show you should always bring the gun, how mad would i have been if i had just took the binoculars!!! BTW next day I returned and accounted for 37 woodies.(apologies I was unable to rotate the pics)


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  conormc said:
Went to check out a field for some pigeon decoying the other day. It was dead calm, clear and sunny. When I entered the field I didnt see one pigeon but spotted a fox out sunning himself to the right of the field on a brow. I dropped my jacked and binoculars and took off down the ditch at a steady pace. He never even woke an Eley Olypic Trap 28gr 7 1/2 to the head. Afterwards feeling rather pleased :D I sat hidden in the top corner of the field on pigeon watch. After half an hour or so something caught my eye in the bottom corner of the field. Two mink. I didnt even know I could run that fast!!! Down and straight into the river. BANG BANG. But just got the one :icon_redface: All in all a productive hour or so and just goes to show you should always bring the gun, how mad would i have been if i had just took the binoculars!!! BTW next day I returned and accounted for 37 woodies.(apologies I was unable to rotate the pics)


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First read your post I thought you meant you'd got 37 mink! Now that would be a day out . . .

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The cartridge was all I had as I said I wasnt out for a fox happened on him by chance when scouting for pigeons. At 9yards i dont think it would make a difference. If i was going for foxes I would use a heavier load, still good advice, cheers.

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