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help accused of tresspassing while trying to get to a foot path

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not so long ago you put up a post about someone tresspasing on your permission . i think you had it deleted over the comments re - shooting them .. :doh: you do have some dramas in your life jp or is it we all do but just dont post them on here :hmm:

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  riohog said:
only with permission any were else no in persuit of game illigal

ah right but you never know the dog might get off the lead while on a late evening very early morning pursuit :angel:


but on a more serious note i think hes being rather unreasonable, got lamping permision on two sides of his farm, who thinks i should go for the other side and have 3 sides......he starts it i finish it, but slyly, not in the idiotic arguement way, he will just hear through word of mouth it will be briliant, mwa ha ha ha haaaaa :tongue2:

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I have to admit that in the 22 yrs of living on the edge of a village surrounded by countryside i have walked round, through the middle of every field i am surrounded by & yet not once have i encountered a farmer or farm worker , yet someones always having a go at or with you for some reason


Your lifes so full of drama's :laugh:

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private land is just that private !! regardless of what you think is your right it is his right to defend his land should he see your dog of its leash on his land he can and probably will shoot it especially if there is stock nearby. there is a well now phrase don't shit on your own doorstep if you start preaching about rights to roam he could make life difficult for you for years to come i would go to see him apologies for trespassing (if you have) and don't let him see you do it again.

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  the_stig said:
not so long ago you put up a post about someone tresspasing on your permission . i think you had it deleted over the comments re - shooting them .. :doh: you do have some dramas in your life jp or is it we all do but just dont post them on here :hmm:

i wasnt leaving gates open and poaching but


its not right i know i shouldnt have been there just wondered if i was aloud as it was the only access root to the foot path and i couldnt seem to find the laws but now i have read them :) and have a plan

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  ferret15 said:
private land is just that private !! regardless of what you think is your right it is his right to defend his land should he see your dog of its leash on his land he can and probably will shoot it especially if there is stock nearby. there is a well now phrase don't shit on your own doorstep if you start preaching about rights to roam he could make life difficult for you for years to come i would go to see him apologies for trespassing (if you have) and don't let him see you do it again.

yeah i apologised at the time but he replyed with "go away" but anyhoo end of will just ask the neighbouring farm if i can go along the bottom of there land to get to it :D


thanks for all your help everyone, end of the convosation before the slagging starts

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I kinda agree with some of the drama queen comments :clapper: Christ a bloke shouted at you so what? Ive had farmers threaten to shoot me, shoot my dogs, take me to court, beat me up etc etc etc I dont come posting on here every time it happens, if I did my post count would be about 10,000 - if your going to have lurchers unless you make it plain from day one to people that they are your pets only and walk them on bright coloured leads with muzzles on and all the stuff pet/rescue people like to cover their dogs with, then you might just have to take some flack every now and then for walking places you probably shouldnt be, people see lurcher = trouble its a shame it happens like that but it does. Get over it :D

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i dont know about a right to roam law if there is one or if its just a fraise people use, but as a owner of a smallholding i would be pretty pissed off if anyone could legaly walk all over my land for a few reasons DISTRESSING LIVESTOCK, DOG WORRYING, CONTAMINATION, THEFT, DAMAGE to name but a few i`ve already had a few hundred quids worth of stuff nicked just small stuff like chicken feeders and drinkers and electric fencing stuff, i`m sure rural theft would go up if anyone can go anywhere, nothing would be safe.

i know you didnt mean any harm but unforunatly there are many that do, so why make it any easier for them.


there are so many that have no respect for the countryside or any thing in it, for instance there is a footpath that goes around two sides of my holding and at the top theres a gate looking down over my land and up the other side(a nice view) i keep it locked as i dont use this gate, but alot of people stop there on there walk to look at the view and lean on the gate, i`ll tell you what no word of a lie a could fill a bin liner every 2-3 weeks with all the shit they just chuck on the floor cans, bottles, sweet wrappers, crisp packets, even found a rusty old sythe chucked in the long grass once lucky one of my kids didnt step on it.


its these people that f**k it up for the rest.

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  JPTfellterrier said:
  riohog said:
only with permission any were else no in persuit of game illigal

ah right but you never know the dog might get off the lead while on a late evening very early morning pursuit :angel:


but on a more serious note i think hes being rather unreasonable, got lamping permision on two sides of his farm, who thinks i should go for the other side and have 3 sides......he starts it i finish it, but slyly, not in the idiotic arguement way, he will just hear through word of mouth it will be briliant, mwa ha ha ha haaaaa :tongue2:

not being funny but with that sort of attitude it wont be long before you have no land to run your dog on, then its just footpaths all the way how boring.


just be polite and grownup about the incident and then forget it.

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don't you think that it is a lot more likely that the one farmer where you trespassed is more likely to have a word with his fellow neighbors/farmers, possibly leaving you without any of that permission at all? Put yourself in this farmers shoes ... what if YOU were that landowner. His neighbors might hate him, but you never know how tight the farming community is until you start dicking around with one.


You mentioned that you were not poaching, but in another post you said something about the possibility of the dog slipping his lead in an early morning run, inferring that you ARE planning on poaching his land. So saying that you weren't poaching BUT actually are planning on it rings pretty hollow here. We have all been on places we shouldn't be, but if you are acting a twat or get caught, you need to accept the repercussions, 17 year old female or not.


If I needed to suck up to someone because I had done WRONG (which you did, knowingly or not), I would show up at their door lunchtime Saturday (or some other likely time he'd be home) with a nice basket of home baked treats, or a bottle of booze, or even just a handwritten letter of apology. Explain again what you were doing, fall all over yourself to apologize, play the innocent dumb girl begging for forgiveness.

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  SJM said:
I kinda agree with some of the drama queen comments :clapper: Christ a bloke shouted at you so what? Ive had farmers threaten to shoot me, shoot my dogs, take me to court, beat me up etc etc etc I dont come posting on here every time it happens, if I did my post count would be about 10,000 - if your going to have lurchers unless you make it plain from day one to people that they are your pets only and walk them on bright coloured leads with muzzles on and all the stuff pet/rescue people like to cover their dogs with, then you might just have to take some flack every now and then for walking places you probably shouldnt be, people see lurcher = trouble its a shame it happens like that but it does. Get over it :D


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Guest ferret feller

iv been chased in a 4x4 tryed too run me and lloyd over pointed a gun at my mate dean and more being shouted at is feck all :laugh: just tell him too f**k himself and carry on walking......

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