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hi there i am training a springer pup and i cant say its going well. he completely ignores me when i have him out, he retrieves quite well and will sit and stay if i can get him to concentrate but as soon as he gets a few yards away he just puts the head down and i cant get him to recall. if he has the chance he just juns for miles hunting everywhere. i have him on the longlead and am worried about letting him off but he dosent seem to mind and will still ignore me. he also growls when i go near him with his food and i think it must be a dominance thing.

what can i do, please help.

Edited by gluebeam
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No reflection on your training, but I wonder if this youngster is getting bored, and only takes interest in hunting around and following scent trails?

Difficult to say without having a look at him, have you tried to do too much too soon? People do not get the basics into their pups, if the pup appears to grasp the exercise, then you move too quickly onto something else. The pup then part learns everything, and has no real confidence if it doing the right thing or not. As you say he completely ignores you, you must find a way to become the centre of his world again. Go back to basic sit, stay, recall on lead stuff, and keep the sessions short and enjoyable, use treats as a reward. Break off and play ball, walk along for a while then do a bit more basics.

We always feed pups while holding their dish, this lets them know we are providing the food, and will not take it away if there is no growling. (Not a problem usually). We start this as soon as a litter moves on from communal dishes.

Edited by Geoff.C
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thanks guys he is responding a bit with treats but the growling is still happening, if i stand beside him he starts, should i then take the food away? and if so do i then just give it back?

Not from experience only what I have read

One trick is to pretend to eat from his bowl and then when he thinks you have finished you give the food to him. It seems to be a way of showing dominance as it seems your dog is food possessive /dominant.

Edited by welshboy454
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hi guys, i have made some good progress with him in the past few days. i can now stand beside him when he is eating and he wont growl, he is still quite up tight when eating but he is deffinately improving. his recall is also improving which i can only think is because of the progress with his food dominance, he is however still very distracted but i can see this improving over time. thanks for all your help :notworthy: i'll prob be back with more problems soon :clapper

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hi guys, i have made some good progress with him in the past few days. i can now stand beside him when he is eating and he wont growl, he is still quite up tight when eating but he is deffinately improving. his recall is also improving which i can only think is because of the progress with his food dominance, he is however still very distracted but i can see this improving over time. thanks for all your help :notworthy: i'll prob be back with more problems soon :clapper


Sit him up at your feet place the bowl between your feet so your standing over him when he eats..If your feeling brave stroke the dog whilst your still over him ..he will understand this as you are dominating him without the need to smack him just controlling him by food ..just by your posture .if there is growling push him away from bowl with feet .NOT BY KICKING HIM..just your your foot pick bowl up dont let him have it till he settles..your dominating him..


If this is successful and a lot better advance ...put a pair of gloves on then put yer hand in the food or touch him or bowl...


Regards Steve

Edited by ESS
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